Friday, 29 September 2017

How to Deal With Stress The Healthy Way

Do you find yourself engulfed in stress and don't know what to do, where to go or even how to dust your shoulders off and shake it off? Do not worry, I've got you and I am sharing a few tried and tested tips to help you deal with stress the healthy way.

When juggling, home, work and family life, there obviously times when stresses arise, but it is how you deal with it that counts. After a tough few weeks myself with family, home and everything else in the mix, I had to make a decision a HARD decision, but you know what, it is the best decision in the long run for me and my family and happiness. There are certain sacrifices that we have to make, but as hard as they are in life you have to let toxic stress go, in order for you to have a happy and prosperous life. 

With all that doom and gloom stress brings, look at it in a positive way, turn a negative into a positive and let that stress push you into a happy, creative, fun loving place. Sometimes the hardest things in life are the easiest to allow you to achieve your goal. 

Once you realised how stressed you are and knowing that you need to do something about it, is the first step in realising that there is something not quite right. The first step is always the hardest, but it is the perfect step for you to become healthier and happier.
Take control

Eat Healthy
When stressed o one of the first things that can go out the window is your diet! I mean am I right, we literally go for the naughty stuff instantaneously, that naughty chocolate bar or some tasty honey roasted cashew nuts and that can of fizzy, we know it is bad for us, but it is our comfort, but step away from the cheeseburgers guys and those super tasty salty chips and go for an alternative, your gut, and your skin will thank you for it.

Nothing burns off negativity and stress quicker than working out, find something that works for you and your lifestyle and most importantly stick to it. 

Now this can be a tricky one, whilst it is great to get your worries off your chest, by confiding and talking to someone, make sure it is the right someone, as so-called friends who you thought were friends, but not really your friend, will find no problem in throwing it right back at you. Surround yourself with positive and trustworthy people that you can rely on. 

Take control
Take the bull by the horns and take control when things are going topsy-turvy, the moment you are able to grasp onto your future, the easier and relaxed you will be. 

I would love to hear how you handle stress and overcome it, in the comments below, or over on my Twitter page.

London Mumma xx


Thursday, 28 September 2017

5 Ways On How Your Life Changes With Kids

Deciding to have a child changes your life in so many different ways, good ways and bad ways too, not everything is always rosy, but fret not, the good triumphs the bad ALWAYS!

Life will never be the same, neither will your tits, but I mean this is to be expected, your whole outlook and lifestyle changes when you become a parent, but just how much you will never know until your little babe is in your arms. This is not something that you can talk about, well I mean I did and you will too in your antenatal class, but to really grasp the idea of how your life changes with kids, is going to have to be from your own personal experience arrives.

I knew my life would change once becoming a mother, but in honesty I just did not envision how much so, obviously my lifestyle has changed no more late partying, getting up and going when I want, eating what I want and even when I want, or just having carefree lazy brunch day with friends! Now it is always forward planning, cooking, cleaning, scheduling in play dates, swimming lessons, princess and ponies, Spanish lessons, taking the cat to the vet, or cleaning him after Leanora used him as a doll and applied makeup all over him, re-painting walls a million times over, due to sticky fingers and paws too, the list goes on, as crazy as it sounds I do love it, I might be knackered as hell but boy it is a ride and one that I am happy to be on and would not change for the world. But I thought I delve a little further in how your life changes with kids.

Social Time
Totally goes out the window as I said, you can not just get up and go your gotta schedule everything in, and plan, re-plan book a sitter, or get the grandparents and that you just going to a much-needed yoga session, date nights pah! That's you curled up on the sofa, with a bowl of popcorn, kid perched in the middle with the cat sitting on your head, like it's a normal thing.

Get Perspective
Life becomes a little clearer, gone are all those hazy wild partying days, it is now a sensible life you will lead, but becoming a parent really opens your eyes to all the bullshit and bullshit people too, nothing else matters and you are able to put things into perspective, those meaningful things that used to bother you before, will become meaningless.

No Personal Space
Bloody Nora! I tell you there is nothing more than a little bit of blood me time, think about hiding under the bed like I did, the kids find you, they are like a pack of wolfs, on the hunt, you can hide nowhere in your own home, you have a 24 hours 7 days a week audience.

Your little bambino gives you this strength, this perseverance and drive that you never knew you had in you before, it is like they awaken something inside you, from the very first kick. Nothing can stand in your way and you literally feel like a kick-arse parent ready to conquer the world.

You Understand Love
I never knew what love was before, not really nor have I actually felt that I have ever been truly in love, but regardless of the leaky boobs, your favourite honey roasted cashews you have hidden have been found and devoured, sleepless nights, bags under eyes, no privacy, being used as a permanent supplier of princesses, ponies, superheroes galore, there is nothing like the love between a parent and child, that unconditional love, even after the grouchy mornings with no milk to make your coffee, and looking like crap, because all you have done all night is watch your sleeping babe, just thinking this is your little human that you carried and brought into this life has blessed you with love, that feeling has been bestowed upon you, by your darling child.

Are you a parent or parents to be, how has your life changed?

London Mumma xx


Tuesday, 26 September 2017

8 Ways On Surviving The Commute To Work

With the kids finally set back at school the commute to work has apparently got 15% more crowded! But with how hot and tiresome the commute has been to work these few weeks, which can lead to us feeling a bit stressed, before we have even got to work and in honesty, I'd say public transport is 85% more crowded.

With long days at work, you want to feel and look your best, but the commute can have you feeling the exact opposite before you have even stepped into your office, whacked the coffee machine on and booted up your computer! What you get is you looking and feeling like you've just stepped home from a heavy night of partying and looking like a remix of Freddy Kruger with a blend of Predator! But with a few essentials to help you survive the commute to work, I am sure I will have you feeling and looking fly.

A great way to keep your cool and hydrated on all systems go, whilst traveling to work is having a water to hand, why not purchase a quick bobble bottle, perfect for refilling and keeping you refueled and feeling as cool as cucumber whilst traveling from A - B. Plus by consuming water, it won't just be keeping you cool and hydrated throughout the day, but it is also great for your skin, hair and nails, after all our body is 60% water based, so gotta keep it topped up!

Never leave the house without them, great for the hot sweaty commutes and coffee spills, and crumb wiping and snotty toddler nose cleanups.

Transport App
I can not stress enough, if you are on a mad dash to work and not managed to watch any of the news, get your appy on and check what is going down with public transport, nothing more infuriating that running late and not taking a few seconds out to her the status of transport, to keep you on track.

Mini fan
A life saver, be it on the tube or a hot office, where the big debate about having the air conditioner should be allowed on or not. Small enough to pop in your bag and have on your office desk.

Face mist
The perfect cool down after a hot commute, my new favourite is from Omorovicza, that I mentioned in my Friday Favourites and MINTD Box is a must have and still a firm favourite to carry around in my handbag.

It can be a sweaty job this whole tube malarkey so to keep extra fresh and smelling great, as we all know some don't when on public transport, carrying a can or roll-on deodorant is a life saver, after hitting that hot and sweaty transport.

Antibacterial Cleanser
After that commute into work, you can feel somewhat a little dirty, holding on to those rails, going up the escalators, whilst public transport may or may not get cleaned, do you really want to be eating your breakfast croissant with those hands or touting your face, even to push back your hair after the commute and holding on to those rails, or whatever you have found to keep you stabilised for dear life!

The perfect way to unwind and block out all that hustle and bustle on the commuter to work, bag yourself some new headphones to help ease your mind into work, with your favourite podcast or album.

What are your must have essentials for the commute to work?


London Mumma xx


Monday, 25 September 2017

Discovering Radley | Northcote Road

I am completely ready for Autumn and more so with an updated new classic from Radley.  I choose a new design from a collection after my own heart and my manor, Northcote Road.

The Lavender Gardens bag, which I decided to go for is a classic in design and style, she has a nice large flap and shows just enough of a golden clasp keeping her ever so classy and to help keep her shut, which is ideal for me, as my little minx of a toddler, has somewhat gone lipstick mad and has not yet worked out how to unclasp my new beauty. The Lavender Gardens also has a very sassy removable strap and she is spacious and sturdy which is perfect for all my Mumma essentials and camera too.

It was a little hard when choosing which colour to go for, but I feel I made the right decision, if not the cream, it was a close call for a more autumnal colour of navy or even leopard and I did contemplate long and hard about the blushing pink, but I made the decision to go for the cream, as I do not have a cream bag.

I decided to treat my new girl to a whole new outfit, these great skinny jeans from wearall, you can never get enough of white jeans, mostly as I get food down them or Leanora is in close proximity, they did not even last a day, as she managed to get her beetroot juice splashed on me! God knows that is never coming out! Keeping my look extra cosy, I decided to opt for a new sweater, which now being autumn you can never have too many of,  which you may have also spotted in my top 50 sweater list, is this super soft fluffy bell sleeve cream one from missguided at a total bargain.

Tell us what bag you like best?

This post is in collaboration with Radley though all thoughts opinions and creative direction are my own.

London Mumma xx


Jumper - Missguided
*Jeans - Wearall
Shoes - Primark - similar
*Bag - Radley

*All items marked with an asterix were kindly gifted to me


Friday, 22 September 2017

Friday Favorites

Well hello there Friday, you looking good and mighty fine! Can you guys believe we are firmly in the Autumn months, be it the sun is making the odd morning appearance here in London, it sure is nippy first thing in, but I am secretly craving for the first of the Autumn leaves to change into various shades of brown and orange, to fall upon the floor, so that I can get my new booties out, Leanora's too. Plus one of my new favorite festivities is soon approaching Halloween, excited to create a costume for Leanora, no doubt if she gets her own way it will be princess related and not a ghastly ghoul in site ha!

I have pulled a few things that I am totally loving right now and have added to my Friday Favorites this week....

Now these tasty beauties are perfect for those Autumn days, plus they make the house smell divine too, for curling up on the sofa, with a hot cuppa coffee, a good book, and these tasty pumpkin Spice biscuits, that last no time in the house.

Can you believe I finally made it out the house, I had organised a Hen Party Dinner, for my darling friend Banke, who is also a fabulous blogger. We ventured to the tastiest of Pan Asian restaurants DSTRKT and dived into its vast menu, if you find yourself in Soho I would certainly recommend
checking it out.

You may of remember from my recent MINTD beauty post, I spoke about this Omorovicza, Queen of Hungary face mist, ever since I have had it, it has become a firm favorite and I take it everywhere with me, not just great for keeping my skin refreshed and hydrated, but is a perfect barrier for the days impurities, as well as leaving my skin glowing even after applied to matt makeup. 

As you know, I am currently in the midst of redecorating the house and I have totally fallen in love with the new collection at H&M Home, it was just too good not to share with you all. 

With LFW just wrapped up, all over the catwalks, we spotted various shades of girlie pink coats and I am totally in love with this faux fur Mango pink coat, perfect for the Autumn months.

I’d love to hear about your week in the comments!

London Mumma xx


Monday, 18 September 2017

3 Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle

We all want to live successful and happy lives, but sometimes we can find ourselves in a rut and not leading a healthy lifestyle and feel that there is no way back to brighter days, well you are wrong. To get out of that doom and gloom is on you kid only you can get you out. But don't worry we all need a little helping hand, even myself, I recently found my self in a horrible situation, which leads me to making bad decisions and life choices, but with a few positive rituals and eating and exercising more, lead to me being more productive, as well as being more organised at work.

To lead a healthy lifestyle, we have to make some healthy lifestyle changes here I am sharing my top 3 to have you in a better healthier mindset.

Get rid of the negativity
This can be the hardest thing, so it is best to start off with it. If you are surrounded by negative people and they do not want what is best and do not have good intentions, why would you even want that person around, you have to remove them from your life, no matter how hard it is and scared it can possibly have you feeling. To improve your life, surround yourself with positive people who want what is best for you.

Treat your body right
This is great to get all those endorphins going, it is a great mood booster and great for your happiness plus it will have you feeling healthier too and ideal for reducing your stress levels. So get up and get out and find a work that best suits you.

Eating right
The best way to start the day is with something healthy and tasty, get rid of all that processed sugar and heavy carbs, that will only leave you feeling sluggish, start your day with the right sweetness, which you can find in a tasty smoothie bowl

We would love to hear your tips on improving your lifestyle? Please leave your comments below.

SheIn dress / Next bagNew Look Trainers

London Mumma xx


Friday, 15 September 2017

Friday Favorites

The most tremendous day has finally arrived, FRIDAY! And it is time to plan a weekend of bliss, be it a day of relaxing in the house in your favourite pyjamas or venturing to the great outdoors and looking for an adventure, what ever you do make it your own. Today I am sharing with you some much loved Friday Favorites, a round up of what I am loving, from a beautiful store that I have found and decided to make my home, to books, and so much more. 

The most beautiful and heavenly store in Hove, Igigi. Whilst roaming for coffee after a day spent on the pebbled Brighton beach collecting seashells and spotting crabs, I was in need of some rich warming coffee to warm up my cockles. They sell everything from home furnishings to the most beautiful natural milk soaps, to coffee and cakes in the upstairs cafe, it is the best place in Hove for a little refuel.

I finally have gotten round to reading a book, yay! With normality setting back in at work and parenting life, I have found some much needed me time be at late at night with my new Utility Design lamp. I am able and divulge into an amazing fictional book, Domina, the right amount of sex, drugs, and murder, which makes for a good night sleep!

My creative juices flowing, thanks to the fabulous blog, A Pair and Spare. I am updating the living room and thought due to it being Autumn to add a little colour, with some new pillows and I thought purple would totally make it pop, but finding it hard to find the right style, but with a little inspo from one of my fave bloggers I can make my own with this handy DIY post

This gorgeous Ecoya, Lotus Flower candle was gifted to me at a  recent press showcase and it is simply divine, I have only used it once and the whole house smelt exquisite. Its scent is a blend of lotus flower, contrasted with deeper shades of vanilla and patchouli a scent and candle that I never want to run out of and will certainly be purchasing. 

Let us know what fun things you guys have planned this weekend and what your favorites have been this Friday?

London Mumma xx


Wednesday, 13 September 2017

9 Autumn Essentials For Back To School Mums

With the new fashion season and kids finally back to school for the new term, it is not just the kiddos that need new threads and various essentials it is us Mummas too. We wanna look our best and look put together at the school gates, even though half the time we probably feel like stir fried shit and want to rock up to the school gates in our pyjamas.

With a few new season essentials and finding our feet back to the new term madness.

No wall chart in site to keep track on what is going on throughout the month, make sure you have a planner or phone to hand, to mark all those important dates coming up, such as birthday parties, ballet, football lessons and when you have family and friends coming over to dinner. 

Flash Cards
Learning on the go or school run to get some extra practice in with the kids, or by yourself! It is always a great idea to learn something new. Plus it keeps your little ones on the ball and makes great practice for them depending on the age of course, plus great fun can be had whilst traveling on the weekends.

I can not stress the importance enough of baby wipes, we love the Water Wipes range, but I spied that Dove now has a kids range of wipes. But whatever brand you go for, these are must have essential for your Mumma bag, not just to clean up sticky kids, but us parents too can benefit from wipes, especially those mad rush mornings and coffee spilled all of you. 

Large bag
This season, make a statement with this must have large bags. With so many out on the high street, you are literally spoilt for choice.

We gotta be comfortable for those in between dashes, so why not treat yourself to a fresh new pair of kicks for the term. 

Trench Coat
Aquascutum, always nail it each season, updating there must have trench coats. They are cool and classic and helps protect you from the windy weathers and will see you looking fashionable all the way up to winter, plus it can be styled numerous of ways making it not just perfect for the weekday but will have you looking sophisticated over the weekends too.

A vital essential for us Mummas, not just for our kids. Who doesn't like a tasty treat or a healthy bite I mean we gotta eat too, so why not carry a snack or two, one for you, one the kids to keep you fuelled through the day. Not sure on what then why not check out something from Metcalfe to pop in your bag. 

Hair Care
Ok, yes ladies lets not shy away from it, be it first thing in the morning or an after school pickup, or even going into work, we want to look our best. I found a great online store Capital Hair and Beauty, that has everything and then some to give you fabulous healthy hair, I am loving my new found hot hair brush, giving me that just stepped out of the salon blow-dry, but unknowingly all done at home, whilst having the Leanora climbing my back and Milo purring at my feet.

No outfit or look is complete with out a few accessories be it a feminine watch, to help keep you track of time or an elegant piece of jewellery such as a pair of earrings to complete your back to school look.

What have been your life saviors for the return back to school? How have you survived this first week and now in the second? I would love to hear your comments below.

Please note this is a collaborative post but all words come from the coffee fuelled ramblings of London Mumma. 

London Mumma xx


Tuesday, 12 September 2017

3 Dilemas Of Working Mothers

Ok, so I have one kid, but boy working full time, running a blog and home life, plus my little one, sure can be tough, but just because it is tough, doesn't mean that I am not enjoying it, but by heck a break or two would be fab, a nice glass of vino, a good book, all whilst chilling in the bath without an audience wouldn't go a miss, am I rent rents?

Now I would never give up working, I am not that type of person to be a housewife, well I am not even close to having that as an opportunity, not that I would even embrace it, I am/we are providers for our families.  But when I had that time at home whilst on maternity leave, I could not bloody wait to get back to work, I love my kid and all, she is a cutie going through that sassy threenager stage, but I need my own time, does that make me a bad Mumma, like fuck it does. I think as women and society we can face a lot of dilemmas, pressure, and prejudice even, women with young kids should stay at home and do the whole Susie home maker crap, sod that I say.

Yes it is hard, and I feel at times a bad parent, because I do not get to spend as much time with my daughter as I would like, but should I, should we not go out there show our babies, that you know what it is good to work, to work for something, be it a mortgage payment, a holiday, god forbid clothes and food. These are the dilemmas that us mothers, single or otherwise can face. But what some do not realise, we have our own dilemmas and demons and it affects us just as much our children

To stay or not to stay
Yes, when returning to work we do face certain difficulties, such as our children being left in someone else care, they teaching them their A, B, C's and 1,2,3's and thinking that is our role as mothers, parents even. But it is good to have that separation and making sure you child is in the right and safe environment, it is good for the both of you. For both mother and child/ren to have that time apart, it only makes the heart grow fonder, plus your kids can get tired of the site of you. 

When we become parents your life changes from the moment, you see PREGNANT on the pregnancy test and you make the decision to become a parent. Me time, we time goes out the window and it all about kid time! We sacrifice, for our children for their love and to keep them happy and the odd occasion when you want a bit of peace and quiet or your program has just come on! We make sacrifices, for the unconditional love between parent and child, hence why even planning on returning or going back into work is a good sacrifice, not a selfish one, after all, we are providers now and a cheeky 8 hour day so you can have a little me time is not a bad thing. But for all the sacrifices we have to makes as parents, they are worth it all in the end. Even if it means a life time of an audience whilst going for a crap. 

Am I enough
We can be our own worst enemies at the best of times, we can doubt ourselves and beat ourselves up thinking are we doing, feeding and teaching our kids the right thing. Everyone's teaching and learning life experiences are different, but what you have to understand and yes I included. I am enough for our kids, I mean Leanora thinks I am all that and then some!

With so many dilemmas we face as mothers, they are all worth it in the end and makes us and our children stronger. Have you faced certain dilemmas since becoming a mother, or father? How have you over come those dilemmas?


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