Monday, 25 June 2018

3 Ways To Get Up And Out Quicker In The Morning

The last few weeks have been manic, with work, social events, school events, cat fights (it's like fight club in my garden) a few too many late nights drinking wine, muddled with early starts can lead me to slowing down in the morning and a little bit of a sorehead

During the summer months you find yourself naturally waking up early with the tweet of the birds and the sun rising earlier each day, probably not but the hangover and tiredness sure makes it feel like it. Whilst it can be hard and wanting to leave unwillingly out of your cosy slumber, the day beckons and you gotta get up and out faster in the morning.

Mornings and routines can be tough, with pack lunches to make, cat to feed, clothes to iron, bag to pack and everything in between the little things can slow you down. But with practising a morning routine you will be amazed at the great impact that it can have on your day, trust me if I did not have a routine, i would never EVER get out of the house on time. 

Goes without saying hydration is key, before you go to bed and when you wake up first thing in the morning. Water won't just help keep you hydrated but alert too, so placing your cup of water strategically by your bed is key as you can reach for it the moment you wake up

Nothing gets you out the house quicker than with a little forward planning and structure. So creating a timed scheduled the night before is ideal as it will also leave you surprised at how much you can actually do and get done in a certain amount of allocated time! 

Be Calm
A great way to wake up your mind and body is by practising meditation, it does not have to be a long period of time 15-20 mins, sitting down being at one with your thoughts will help get you and your day in and order and keep you focused. 

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Thursday, 21 June 2018

How To Do The Most On Your Day Off From Work

The birds are chirping, coffee is brewing, the cat is purring whilst curled up by your feet and you are lazily watching the news with one eye open and you've not yet drawn the curtains to let the sun come flooding in, why because you've got a day off from work and going to take your day in its stride. 

We all love a cheeky day off from work,  nothing to do but just relax, for me I love these days, but do you ever feel later on in the night, or the next day fuming you've got go back to work and make that awful commute back on the tube (bloody hate the stupid Central line, why is it so effing hot!) that you didn't make the most of your day, yet you return to work sluggish and feeling more mentally and physically burned out and not well rested and been productive and all that you had planned to do failed!

With a few healthy and handy tips below, you will re-emerge to work feeling refreshed, renewed and have a healthier mindset once you've learned how to do the most on your day off from work. 

Do those errands
With busy lives, the small things can get pushed to one side and put off to another day, but I say, get up and go and get to it! Nothing better than feeling energised, so jump out of bed, open the curtains and get moving, your mind, body and soul will feel better for it and physical movement is good for us and boost happy endorphins.

Eat Well
We all love a cheat day and when at work it is easier to grab something out at the local street food or super market, or cheeky macdonalds we all fall off the wagon from time to time, but why not make something at home and prepare your meals for the week. Not will you be saving yourself money you will be eating a lot more healthier too. 

Book In A Treat
You work hard so play hard, book yourself in for a little mani/pedi, or go and get your hair done, to curling up and reading that book you've meaning to this month. Take care of yourself, enjoy the simple pleasures that make you happy and smile.

Schedule Your Time
Break up and schedule your day, this is great for prioritising and getting things done in order to get everything in and sorted before you return back to work, but make sure to give your self some much needed time off. 

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Monday, 18 June 2018

The Two Books You Need To read This June

I don't know about you, but I am a major bookworm, I get all excited about finding new reads each month and season. I love a variety of subjects and different genres, well not so much romance not really into that lovey-dovey, Mills and Boon stuff, maybe in the 90s a few decades ahead and I'm over it. 

There are a few buzz worth books that come out each month, with there mesmerising covers and little snippets that instantly draw you in, which drive you insane as you find yourself every day going past the bookstore, to see if it's finally found its place in store and in the shop window. The Water Cure did that to me, a few weeks ago whilst reading Grazia there it was, an icy blue covering with a lady floating into the unknown, I was instantly drawn to it and eager to find out more.

The Water Cure, Sophie Mackintosh’s debut novel is a bewitching read, about sisterhood and transformation. A truly haunting story of abuse, death, and desire and a book that I am keen to sink my teeth into after I've finished 'The Colour of Bee Larkham's Murder'. 

You may remember me talking about this amazing poignant thrilling read from Sarah J Harris, in my Friday Favourites To Get You Through The Week post and I am nearly finished, this beautiful book so well written is a book you must read this June, it is like no other book that I have read before, all about a young boy, Jasper trying to remember a murder all whilst suffering from synaesthesia and face blindness.

Have you read any of these? Or what thrilling reads are you working your way through this month?

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Friday, 15 June 2018

4 Things I've Leaned Since Becoming A Mumma

A few weeks ago it was Leanora's 4th birthday, I mean I just can not believe how quickly she has grown up into this little miss independent lady. Gone are the days I can call her my baby, well that is because she won't let me, I mean the girl has supersonic ears, she even hears me when I mumble the words, mumma's baby. I have learnt so much and grown so much thanks to her, she makes me a better person, a woman and a happy mother. 

I have always wanted children, but never thought at 29 whilst getting ready to meet a friend who just had a baby, that I would find out that I was pregnant, I simply thought I had a bad bottle of wine from the night before, thank god it wasn't because I was blessed with the best news and little girl in the world. 

Leanora and children, teach you so much, much more than you would ever think or dream possible, now don't get me wrong parenting can be tough, even as a single parent, but it is as tough as you make it and what matters is how you face challenges in life, love and parenting that matters and when you know that you have a little person or persons to carry on for it makes it so worthwhile. 

Nothing big or small other than your little person matters, be it Friday night after work drinks, partying until the cows come home, that must have bag and shoes you used to spend a bomb or your whole paycheck on matters anymore.

I never really new love, I thought I did but nothing can compare to true natural love, until you hold your babe for the very first time, I mean that first kick you feel that movement when inside your tummy, your babies first smile, the first cry, laugh, step they take, when they find your secret stash of sweets and eat it and deny it to the very last moment whilst clutching the wrapper. Love for me with my baby sorry big girl is unconditional and endless and she has given me more than she would ever know. 

You learn how to communicate real quick when you become a mother, you have to, you have no choice, you got to be able to really understand and talk to your child. The key to nailing this is, listening, really listening to what they are saying and doing, or not saying and doing, yes I mean when they take your lipstick and draw all over the wall, then say that the cat did it. 

They are wise and sound
Trust me they are wiser than you think and a lot smarter than you realise. I asked Leanora how was her day, did she enjoy it and her response was 'yes mummy it was the best day ever', 'why Leanora' because I got to spend it with my families, they love me, they take care of me and you sat down with me and taught me how to spell my name, I' love all my families' she blew me away and left me beaming with pride.

I want to wish Leanora a happy birthday and for teaching me so much and allowing me to be apart of her life, my little Cha-Chi, Happy Birthday. Love you to the moon and back. Mumma xx

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Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Best Strawberry Milkshake, With My Bestie

I've always, always loved milkshakes, ever since nesquick strawberry powder came into my life in the 90s, fast forward a decade or two I prefer to have the real thing. I mean there is nothing better than a thick, creamy bursting with real strawberries, strawberry juice from Pago and ice cream milkshake on a hot day with your bestie.

I have to say that whilst we had a good time making these cocktails and more fun drinking them, it was a bit of a nightmare. We had to make these milkshakes in the hallway, as the electric box kept on tripping, leaving the back of the house where the place we spend most of them our time, the kitchen without any electric. Crammed in the hallway, not the best place to make these, but sure was fun, even a little strange, these strawberry milkshakes took no time to whizz up, plus Leanora thought it was more like an adventure and cool, 'cool adventure' I believe were her exact words.

Goodies all laden out, blender brought in to the hallway, we got to making these super quick, relatively messy free strawberry milkshakes.

3 large scoop s of Cornish ice cream, or any vanilla that tickles your fancy
2 hand full's of fresh strawberry's, tree tops off (what L & I call it)
1/2 cup of milk
1 bottle of Strawberry Pago
Drop of vanilla extract

1. Pop your milkshake glasses into the freezer to chill for 10-15 minutes, we want to keep our milkshakes cold and thicker for longer, we used the same Eva Solo ones from our Strawberry Soda recipe. 

2. Toss all ingredients into your blender whiz up for 60 seconds or the consistency that you like. 

3. Pour into your chilled glasses, grab a straw kick back and enjoy, these super tasty and super addictive best strawberry milkshakes, with your bestie.

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Tuesday, 12 June 2018

How To Combat Hay Fever

Sun is shining, bees are buzzing, the birds are chirping, the grass is freshly mowed, you have a refreshing drink in hand what more could you ask for on a delightfully sunny day........

Well to be able to enjoy it, that's what. Hay fever, my arch nemesis we dual again and I fear that you are winning, but fret not dear old friend I am ready to battle and face you, even if that means clawing at my incessant itchy eyes and ripping my irritated nose off, I shall face and beat you.

Over the recent weeks the pollen count has been going up and up, therefore intensifying itchy eyes and nose, a flare up of eczema and everything that comes with it too. Whilst some say  it's best to stay at home, shut the windows and lock yourself away from this glorious weather, to hell with that let's not let pollen rid us of our god giving right to bask in this sun, roll in the grass, ok too much, but I'll help you find a remedy to help suppress our sore itchy eyes and not so cute sneezes.

Whilst we can't entirely run from hayfever apparently there are a few remedies that can help suppress the tiresome hayfever effects. I personally prefer the natural way, I try to steer clear of tablets when I can, so far I am yet to take a tablet. First up honey, yeah I know your thinking that is mad, but if you are fortunate enough, locally made honey, which you can find at independent stores or in the farmers market is said to be a great natural remedy in helping the pollen go down and building up the immune to it. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, so drink or eat up on all your oranges, Green tea also strengthens the immune system and acts as a natural antihistamine, whilst Peppermint tea relieves nasal and sinus congestion.

If that does not help, Vision Direct certainly can. For those that order their contact lenses online at vision direct, you can buy these items that they kindly sent me, the majority they do not usually sell such as the hand gel or vaseline, from there site at an affordable price, more affordable than the high street. Vision Direct understand the importance of taking care of our eyes and know what those who suffer from hay fever go through. I have to say the box has been a life saver, the hay fever survival kit came with my favourite sweets 2 packets of Haribo, which lasted all of 10 seconds, 5 seconds it took me to demolish each bag, some herbal tea, which is known to help with hay fever, due to its anti-inflammatory agent, plus it can double up as a compress for the eyes. Antibacterial hand sanitizer, never a fan, but has come in handy and kept my hands clean, whilst coming off the tube and continuously rubbing my eyes. Vaseline also in the box, apparently is supposed to be used and applied to the rim of the nose to help stop pollen from resting on irritated nose as a form of barrier, to help suppress sneezing. The one thing, my favourite thing to come out of this box has to be the eye drops. Since I've been swamped with pollen-induced raging sore eyes, this has been my lifesaver, my eyes have been drying, my lenses have been cripy, even the corners of my eyes are sore, the Ever Clear drops have refreshed, hydrated and moisturised my eyes, god knows where I would be, if it wasn't for these eye drops, a few squeezes in each eye, throughout the day whenever needed helps to relieve the irritation. 

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Monday, 11 June 2018

Spring Tees & Jeans

Lately over the weekend I've been dressing down, Monday through to Friday I like to dress up for work, but weekends I'm living in spring tees and jeans.

I'm all about comfort come weekends, I opt for a more relaxed look, but fun too especially as I spent most of the weekend in Southbank with Leanora and family, so needed something fun and comfy to wear, well for all of us, especially after we tried pretty much every single food stall and gelato stands and raced through the fountains.

Whilst I love a basic t-shirt, I prefer to aim for something more fun, be it from band tees such as the one I am wearing from Orwell + Austen new high summer collection. This classic sports stripes is a summer take on there best selling Bowie Cashmere sweater, what I love about this tee is the colours used to make it really stand out, personally hunting down the best brand for the best tee can be a nightmare, but when you have found the holy grail of t-shirts in fashion you know you are on to a winner. 

What is the most practical item of clothing in my or any persons wardrobe, well duh! Jeans, I own over 40 pairs and it is continuously growing, the style that I have been drawn to for the past 2 years and is stapled all over pinterest and instagram are the mom and boyfriend style of jeans and Citizens of Humanity have a great selection. We all love denim in our wardrobes, they are so easy to wear and can be dressed up or down and with so many different styles, to the new must have slit, light wash dad jeans and candy coloured denim. Jeans are timeless, easy to style, and comfortable for any day or night spring occasion. 

Can we also take a minute to check out this stylish personalised laptop bag that I got from Printworks, I mean just look at it. Great for hauling around my laptop stylishly and it even fits few extra bits too, you will certainly be seeing more of this bag of on my Bloglovin

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Thursday, 7 June 2018

Strawberry Sparkling Soda

If you really want to keep cool and refreshed over the Spring Summer months, this fruity strawberry sparkling soda is the way forward.

A few days ago, I gutted out the garden, pulled up all the weeds and sprayed weed killer like crazy, 12 garden refuses bags down, it's fair to say I was sweating like a pig! Well actually I'm a woman, women don't sweat, we glow.....glowing like a pig?!?!

Needing to quench my thirst and a little sweet treat needed I decided to whip up a little non-alcoholic cocktail for me and my little helper, Leanora's two favourite things strawberry's and little miss boujis favourite sparkling water which she has as a treat from time to time. Combine the two and they are magical.

Pago juices are only produced from natural ingredients, sourced from the best producers in the world and to date they have 15 different flavours under there belt and have been around since 1888. So when they got in touch we were super excited to try there strawberry flavour juice. 

These strawberry sparkling soda drinks are thee most refreshing drinks you must try this Spring, perfect for BBQ, parties or a midsummer's night to keep refreshed on these hot humid days and nights that we are having, they take no time to whip up and serve to friends and family. 

Talking of parties, if you are having one, these strawberry sparkling sodas can be easily jazzed up, garnished with a few slices of fresh strawberry to compliment the Pago strawberry juice, a few springs of lavender as pictured above and serve in the darling glasses from Eva Solo, which I picked up from Formahouse

Ingredients to make 4
2 bottles of strawberry Pago juice
1/4 cup sparkling water
4 cubed cups
fresh sliced strawberry's to garnish

Divide all your cubes into the 4 glasses evenly, half fill with your sparkling water (or fresh spring water for the kids) and top off with your strawberry Pago juice, give it a stir, dress with sliced fresh strawberry's, serve and enjoy. 

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Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Playsuits For Spring Under £50

Another day, another crush! This time it comes in form of the playsuit. With busy weekends filled with kids parties and errands, girly lunches and everything else in between, you want to be able to wear something you can chase your scooter speeding chocolate fulled toddler in, as well as still looking chic. 

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The playsuit for me is such a versatile piece, can be dressed up for work or dressed down for a more relaxed spring summer day or night look and I am huge fan of this linen playsuit that I snapped up from Mango, it does come in other colours navy and green too. I am also eyeing up this super affordable gingham version from SheIn which may I add, is less than £16, totally loving gingham also at the moment, reminds me of picnics in the park and Lavender fields

What I love about this particular playsuit is that it comes with an attached belt, perfect to create a nice silhouette and lady like waist line and leave you feeling glam, even for me on my frumpy feeling days, which is most, but it is just easy to wear and free flowing, plus it made my flat butt look great, how awesome is that! Not that I am aiming for that big booty Kim K look, not my thing, but a nice peach is what I try to aim for.

For me when I find something that is so no nice and well made and find it at steal of a price, like this romper from Mango only costing me £25.99 I am the happiest kid on the block, something always gets me excited, is finding inexpensive pieces.

This weekend we've a few playdates and parties and I know what I will be wearing, this brand new multicoloured rainbow style striped romper for me and this one for Leanora, most like paired with these sandals for me and trainers for her, with some denim jackets and my new love of my life, my beaded bag.

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