Wednesday, 27 March 2019

What To Check Before You Set Off On Your Staycation

Let's face it, we are all excited for the half term approaching and I am literally counting down the days and ticking off the dates on the calendar and counting down all the minutes until I can say 'see ya later' to all my work colleagues and hit out on to the open road. 

We are planning on driving down to the seaside and staying with friends for a few days, nothing refreshing and more relaxing than spending time smelling the salty sea air and basking in the open fields and recharging my mind, body and soul. 

This half term is all about us enjoying our staycation, it is great as it gives us an opportunity to explore old blighty and it's beautiful shores and sceneries that it has to offer, it is great for saving money going on a staycation, as the summer holidays will no doubt whizz round and wanting to travel then too, plus it is great time for me to put my car in to be checked and fully MOT'd.

We are heading out of London this Spring half term, as you know Congested roads are an issue all over the UK but especially in London so why stay here, I want to enjoy and have fun this half term, but before we do I think it is is time for me to put the car in for an MOT. 

As a car owner, I know the importance of having an MOT carried out on to my car, it is important to protect my family, me and others on the road too, we all want and need to be safe and not having your car regularly checked or booked in for an MOT can be extremely dangerous. I know some may find going to the garage a little tedious, stressful too, but it is important to check the vehicle's safety and its roadworthiness, some people simply do not know where to even go or where to begin about booking your car to be checked, but I found that DAT Tyres website lets you book MOT in London online, easy as 1, 2 and 3.

MOT's take no time at all once booked in, about an hour and your whole car is fully checked out and they make sure everything is in working order, they look underneath the car, checking the suspension, shock absorbers, brakes, wheel bearings, fuel system, exhaust, drive shafts and steering. Plus they will pop the hood and they’ll check that the battery and electronics look good. Failing to not have an MOT will not only incur you a whopping fee of up to £1000, but you could also be putting your vehicle and others around your in harm's way, your vehicle can lose control without proper brakes, your fuel consumption would increase leaving a hole in your pocket.

Before heading out this staycation, I thoroughly suggest that you regularly check your car’s engine oil, the water level in the radiator, the brake fluid level and the battery. Not to mention the tyres and tread depth. If you follow all of this advice you and your car will be ok, plus it is vital you know where all these things are, if not when you put your car in for an MOT ask, better to ask than to not. 


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with DAR Tyres for which I have received compensation. As always, all views and opinions are honest and my own.

4 Things To Look Forward To This Spring

The season has finally changed and I feel like I can breathe again and my spirit is lifted. Spring brings about new inspirations, bright longer days and the trees bloom with beautiful magnolias and other pretty spring blossom blooms.

I am loving that when I wake up in the morning I am doing so much more and when I leave work it’s still nice and bright outside, which makes me feel energised and instead of jumping on the tube I pop my headphones and walk home listening to my favourite podcasts.

There are 4 things to look forward to this Spring and I am sharing my fabulous 4 with you!

I am drawn to lighter fabrics in the Spring months it’s nice and light and so breathable a classic piece to your Spring wardrobe. Quite frankly I love Mangos linen dresses, they have so many which I have left for you to peruse below along with some other brands too. 

Shop Linen Dresses

Brighter days
With the clocks changing in a few days, we will have a lot more brighter days for longer, no more waking up in the dark and having to drag yourself out of bed and then finishing work in darkness. I say make the most of the daylight saving season and get out as much as possible and enjoy it. 

Early morning run
Now, this is my favourite thing to do in Spring! Whilst I wake up a little earlier, which is fine as I am an early bird knowing that you have to wait until midday, I can get out so much earlier for an early morning run, it’s a great way to start your day before work or whatever you have planned, it totally puts you in a great mindset and ready to face the day and leaves you so much healthier at the same time.

With cherry blossom trees bursting all over the place making our view a lot more pleasurable and pretty daffodils springing up all over the parks, I know it’s time for my favourite blooms to soon arrive in to the flower stalls and supermarkets and I’m bursting with excitement as I can not wait to see and buy my favourite peony flowers to brighten up not only my day but home to, I think adding flowers in to ones home is not only uplifting but the bring beautiful scent in also.

What do you love most about Spring?


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links 

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Last Minute Mother's Day Gift Guide 2019

I have a confession, I have yet to purchase a mothers day present! I know, I know I am such a bad daughter, what I have been thinking about is where to eat, you can always rely on me to think of my gut first and everything else is secondary.

When it comes to gifts for special people in my life, I always end up getting them the same thing, may sound a little lazy, but it is always what they want and I try and to aim to please. This year I'm not going to get the same beauty products, son mum, but I am going to treat you to something different, plus, maybe just maybe it is what I want from my daughter, obviously an abundance of hugs and kisses, plus my girl as you may of heard on my Twitter page, she has learnt and decided on how to wash up, an added bonus present if you will. 

With Spring officially here, there is no better time to invest in some classic linen dresses and every year Mango has a great selection of beautiful cut linen dresses. I do not think any of us are ready to officially bare our toes and a great pair of luxe sneakers like these Veja's are what most women have been lusting after, especially for those busy mums on the run. 

A great face oil always makes for the perfect gift and for those wanting to try a new brand that works wonders, Herbivore's, Lapis Balancing Facial Oil is a beautiful addition to anyone beauty regime for glowing skin this Spring and if like my mother they are big beauty fans another beautiful gift is the Drunk Elephant gift set which you can purchase at Space NK also, is perfect for the jetting Mumma. 

Accessories, who doesn't love them from this super cute handbag from Topshop perfect for your mother to carry for the Mother's Day lunch and these beautiful shell earrings from Mango. 

Who doesn't love a naughty piece of chocolate and who better to turn to for something luxurious, non-other than Liberty, I remember my mother use to meeting me here after I finished work and hands down I'd always find her in the confectionary area bagging a few treats.

There is no mum in this world that would not want a beautiful smelling candle, I for one love them and Santal 26 have beautiful scents perfect to burn of an evening, talking of what better way to relax than with a new set of jammies and these cozy Just Sheepskin slippers, with your feet up of a night, candle burning with a book in hand and little piece and quite. 

Shop The Post 


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links

Monday, 25 March 2019

8 Out Of !0 Cats, But I Only Need The One!

I remember as a little girl, my grandmother had two cocker spaniels and I simply adored them, I remember chasing after them in the park and across her landing, I knew then that I loved animals. Growing up, when I was at primary school a friend and myself collected spiders in a mason jar and shared the responsibility of caring for them, well not until my mother found out and made me release them verrrrrrrrrrrry far from the house, the only pets then that I could bring home was our school hamster, who was called toffee, obviously to his caramel covered fur. 

Growing up I never had pets in my home, my grandad did he had a cat, who had a huge litter, imagine  to my granddads surprise Cameron (our cat) brought a litter of 5 adorable kittens to his feet one morning when he was getting ready set off to work, what was funny none of us even knew she was pregnant. One in particular who is with us still to this day 16 years later, Cheetah, he and I have a very close bond, he is a little aggressive, we've seen him fight and win against foxes, he takes pleasure in allowing other cats to come into the garden for him to sneakily pounce on them, our neighbour who had a Persian was not best pleased to find her fluffy white Persian practically bald after it's brief encounter with Cheetah. Cheetah is built just like that, a Cheetah! He likes to be stroked, he likes a bit of roughhousing, but not too much before gives you a little nip to let you know he has had enough and to back off. He is getting a little old now, moving a little slower and his best fighting pall is him and my grandad, my grandad who is now retired and in his 80's is not homebound but like Cheetah, he moves a little slower, but still gets out and about, most Sunday's if he's not in the kitchen cooking, he is having a cheeky drink in the conservator talking to Cheetah. What is nice and beautiful to see, how they have grown together, my grandad was the first human/family member that Cheetah has seen, they've had their scraps in his teenage years, my granddads have been stressed when he has gone off all day with worry, my granddads even chased him out the house from knocking his cooked fish out of the oven and they enjoy a cuddle on the sofa when the horse racing is on, they are not just family but firm friends and companions above it all.

Milo, my little boy! I actually got a cat because there was a mouse in the house which I pretty much refused to live in for the best part of year, so when I saw an advisement for kittens for sale, I simply had to have one, either that or Leanora and I would be intentionally homeless and living back at our family home forever. Who would have thought a grown woman in her 30's is scared of a little mouse but has no problem with spiders or even snakes!

The minute I Milo, my little black and white cat, I knew he was for me, it felt right, he did not feel just like a pet, but family, he completed us and now we were a family of three, Leanora, Milo and me. 

Milo my boy, he has sure been through a lot, with Leanora the tyrant, god knows how he has put up with her and continues to return, but they have a great bond, well kinda. One time I caught Leanora burying Milo, I asked what the hell she was doing, her response was that it's hot outside and Milo asked her to as that how he likes to sunbathe! Don't ask! She has wasted numerous of nappies on him, swaddling him like a baby and strapping him to her toy buggies and wheeling him around the house, he no longer runs off, he accepts defeat and lets her, come dinner time Leanora and Milo have a love for chicken and broccoli, they sit down eating together whilst watching tv, that is if they are not chasing each other around the house, they have a great bond a brotherly sister type of relationship and both can get up to mischief, especially when the house is quite you can always find the two of them behind a door scoffing there faces off with my secret stash of chocolate's, with Leanora blaming Milo who forced her too.

What I love the most about being a pet parent, is the companionship and love that our Milo has brought, how he teaches Leanora and myself on the importance of caring for him and other animals too. The worrisome time was what happened last year, throughout the summer Milo was in so many fights it was unreal and extremely scary, the last major one I thought he was going to die, I thought his eye had fallen out he was literally covered in blood, if it was not for the help from my sister, who helped clean him and help me stop the fight between him and another cat, I do not know if Milo would be here plus I had no insurance at the time, but thank god he was not a badly injured as I thought and he was taken and mended up by the vets and was back to new in a week, with his boys lobbed off! 

Petplan recently got in touch and supplied me with so much positive and amazing information about them and the brilliant work that they do, they notably offer Petplan Pet Insurance for our furry animals, but they do great work with more than 1200 charities throughout the UK since 1994 and the formed the Petplan Charitable Trust and since it's ignition it has raised more than 7 million towards a better healthier life for animals. Petplan has recently launched there Pethood Stories campaign where they encourage pet owners across the country to share there beautiful journey's, funny or not. Alongside this brilliant campaign, Petplan has recently revealed the results of it's 2018 Pet Census, the largest to date. With over a staggering 60k, yup 60k pet owner entrants, the Census have provided an unrivalled insight into the lives and attitudes of the UK's pet owners household, you can find out more about the census by clicking Petplan Pet Census 2018.

FYI, since we've had Milo no sightings of a mouse (touch wood-knocks head) - Also, I would love to share your wonderful journey with your furry animal on social media with the hashtag #PethoodStories do not forget to tag me in so I can read them!


Disclosure: This post is in conjunction with Petplan but all thoughts are my own.


Thursday, 21 March 2019

2 Thrilling Books To Read This Month

Reading is my favourite pass time, if I’m not Netflixing or listening to a podcast, guaranteed you’ll find me cosied up with a book either at home on the sofa, coffee shop or when commuting to work. Reading is a great way to calm and free the mind.

Tangerine, by Christine Mangan

This month, I am reading this beautiful book, a debut by Christine Mangan about two university friends with a toxic relationship, set in the 1950s this book about two friends with two different views of the mysterious horrific accidents that led to them going separate ways only to reunite in Morocco where one is finding it hard to adjust to the new settings with her ruthless husband and finding her estranged school chum at her door, questioning why she is here and an unfamiliar feeling of ultimate control and tension brew between these two former friends. Love single white female, then Tangerine is a compelling read.

Seven deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

If wanting to sink your teeth into a murder mystery, that turns in to a Groundhog Day of mayhem than Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, is the book you need, an interesting read filled with time loops of twists and turns which feels like a game of Cluedo and the only way to find out who is the murderer, is to die and find yourself in some else’s body.

A quite thrilling game mystery of reading this month, I wonder what I have in store for next!!!

What are you reading this month, have you read any of these? Did you know that you can get and win free books from Gratisfaction.

London Mumma


Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Easy Kale Pesto Pasta

All day I dream of pasta, pasta in a silky delicious sauce and this bowl of kale pesto pasta is that dish!

Seven, that is the magic number and the number of ingredients that you need to make my easy kale pesto pasta. I simply adore this dish, it takes no time at all, best for a quick healthy hearty weeknight meal.

When I’ve had a busy week with work and not managed to get round to do a good shop it can be a bit like Russian roulette in the kitchen of what is actually there, I always have the basics, pasta in all its forms! So I know I’m guaranteed to be able to make something good and nutritious to eat, I’ve never made a pesto any version of that, to be honest, so own opening the veg drawer and saw a massive bag of kale, normally reserved for chips/crisps and a bulb of garlic I knew it was time for me to jazz up some pasta, so out came the blender and it is a game changer from there.

For those that have kids, they know that it can be hard to get them to eat their vegetables but anytime Leanora sees green vegetables she is always popping into the basket as educating her on the importance of green vegetables and how they are a superfood, which she thinks will turn her into a super girl, plus getting the little ones involved with the whole cooking process encourages them to eat more of their vegetables.

When I am looking for something light and fresh as well as quick to make, I always make sure that I’ve always the essentials on hand and today’s dish is just that.


Pasta (gluten-free)
Kale Pesto
A bag of kale washed
180grans of parmesan
A handful of Pine nuts
Olive oil
Half a garlic bulb
Juice of one lemon

1. Begin by switching your oven to 180c, once warmed half a bulb of garlic and roast it off for 8-10 minutes.

2. In a large pot, bring salted water to the boil for your pasta. Once it starts to bubble cook your pasta as per instructions on the packet.

3. Combine all your ingredients for your kale pesto into your blender. Blitz, taste and season to your preference. Take out and decant into a bowl then set the kale pesto to one side until needed.

4. Drain the pasta and place back into the pot, take a 4 tbsp of your pesto and mix together.

5. Serve immediately with extra grated parmesan.


Monday, 18 March 2019

Spring Home Makeover

This year, I really want to go all out with a proper spring clean, I do not mean a deep clean, but a whole home revamps, from changing the flooring and finally installing double glazed windows, to officially completing my garden. We have been living in our home for nearly three years now and whilst I want us to move to a bigger house, I've been thinking about investing where we are for a further few years 

Now we are family in the middle of March and Spring officials fast approaching there is no time like the present to start getting things organised in preparation for a home update, Pinterest has always been the perfect place for me to start, check out some items that I've been pining here so get some music on from Cheap Vinyl and lets get ready to party

One of the biggest things, you need to think about when updating your home is budget, budgeting is key you got to think about what you need, what it will cost, what you love and does it fit, do you need people to do the job for you, can you do it yourself to save you a little extra cash, plus step away from what you do not need or can not afford. A great way to start is with a list, a list is essential, well apart from your style.

Knowing your style and the look you are going for will help you not overspend, it will also help you think about how the room or whole home will look, therefore not leaving you with a miss matched creation at the end. Whilst thinking of what you want in terms of style and look can be somewhat tiresome enjoy it, that way you are guaranteed to have a great outcome and a stunning looking home. To achieve this, you can always get 2d room layouts that way you can actually place everything you want and know what would look good and what will fit where. 

Next week I have a few days booked off and I am going to make the most of it, I actually plan on starting with the bathroom, I want to re-seal the bath and re-grout the tiles and most likely paint the bathroom too to give it a little refresh. I've also been thinking about possibly putting artwork in there also, to give it a completely new feel and possibly a nice tall plant, which I will no doubt be purchasing from Ikea. It is all about mixing things up, not changing anything too drastic, well not in the bathroom anyways, but I want to give it a new uplift and new vibe this Spring. 

What you have to remember when redecorating if not wanting to make vast improvements, is paint is your friend, it is a great way to make the whole house or room feel new, uplifted even, paint does not have to cost a fortune either, you can grab an affordable tin from even your local supermarket, they always have offers on so keep your eyes peeled. 

Are you springing cleaning your home or maybe just one room? Let me know in the comments below on which room you would like to redesign!



Sunday, 17 March 2019

Feeling Ready To Date

Yeah, I, such a funny word, a little scary at times, but I’m ready to get back into it! A few years after Leanora was born I dated a few people, nothing serious, I then dated someone, when I was ready to get serious, but found that he was not serious or more to the point he wasn’t anything, be it serious about life or anything really, but as sweet and caring as he was, sweet  and caring doesn’t cut it really, not with me, whilst I want to meet a  sweet and caring person, I also want or like, someone that is ambitious and has a strong and funny personality, but whilst I have the notions of a weird science creation am I looking for someone that is not real or am I simply not ready to date and therefore my expectations are just too far fetched?!

Recently dipping my toe back into the dating game, I've been a bit brave and checked out some dating websites, downloaded a few apps and it took me ages to set up all my new profiles, it is about finding the right pic, then second guessing yourself if they are even the rights pics and do not even get me started on my profile, I mean where do you even begin, to get yourself out there, be it seen as funny, whilst wanting to be taken seriously and come over dare I say it, sexy, but not slutty! There is a fine line and I think I've found a perfect balance, all whilst staying true to myself. 

The question is where do you start, you hear of so many successes of people who have found the one, but with so many dating websites and apps or at Lviv Stag, and I've tried most if not all from Tinder, Bumble and now Hinge it can be really tough. I did, however, end up connecting to one person, one, in particular, a guy that ended up being based in New York, I learnt my lesson real quick and just sticking to those in my demographic area instead of opening up my search worldwide, I'll be sticking to dating sites uk

I have only been on a very few amounts of dates, some have been fun, others a little bit more of a nightmare, what I have enjoyed most about it all is the build up the conversation and just putting myself out there again. To be truthful I did not think it possible, I became so wrapped up in becoming a good parent, homeowner, colleague and trying to get my business out there, I did not think I had time or felt it was even right to date, but I am making the time, because why would I not want to meet someone new. Whilst it can be hard it is about finding a balance as well as having a little something for you and your own wellbeing or simply just to have fun and let yourself go a little and it is all about being open to new people, new adventures, plus I think I am now ready to start going out more, I mean I can not live and hope I'll find the right one online, I'll be heading out there too, I mean not in bars, but i;ll be keeping my eye open you never know I could meet someone whilst feeling like I'm going to crumble in my next HIIT class, if I do, I pray they are quick enough and strong to catch me if I fall. 

How are you finding dating, have you meet someone online or in a work out class? I'd love to hear your dating tips in the comments below. 



Wednesday, 13 March 2019

My Skincare Routine For Glowing Skin

Today I wanted to share with you a new beauty brand that I've added to my collection. I am always looking for something new I am a believer of trying new things to keep my skin guessing and refreshed. I feel at my best when my skin is looking and feeling right, every Sunday I like to start with an at home mini pamper session to prepare me back for whatever madness the week has installed for me. 

I may not keep up with a regular sleep pattern, work out routine and dare I say it a healthy eating habit, I've eaten one too many crips and indulged in far too many sweets these past few weeks, but one thing for sure, no matter what is that my skincare regime will always be on top form and comes first. 

Löwengrip, a leading Nordic beauty brand that has now become available here in the UK, they got in touch a few months ago and were kind enough to send me a few pieces that I had chosen. They are 100% cruelty-free brand, they know what women want and need and here to empower us with great skin and only use the best and most effective ingredients and I love that they take a whole holistic approach in product formulation. 

To get my skin back on track I've only been using Löwengrip to wash my face, I have very sensitive skin and a love for all exfoliators, some which can cause havoc and tear my skin leaving it a little raw, but I've been using the Purify My Skin - Facial Scrub religiously and my skin has never looked so brighter, it is suitable for all ages which are great, however you should only use it twice a week, but I like to go for 3 to help just even out my skin's tone and give it a deep clean. 

My dark circles and skin has looked a little tired, due to stress, work and life, it really has got me down a little bit and what I've learned in my 30 years,  if I was to have firm, plump glowing skin I have to take of it simple really, so at night I like to unwind with a few candles and after my face has been removed from all makeup and face fully cleansed I like to apply a good amount of the Sleep Sensation - Hydrating Mask. I wake up and my, when washed off my skin, feels firm, like it has a new lease of life, I feel so much better its brighter I feel more confident and not wanting to apply a heavy amount of makeup, but that said what has worked for me may not work for you, but it is about trying new things, find out what works for your skin and making you feel empowered enough to not want to reach for makeup but go out into your day with your head held high with great skin.

Whilst everyone has a different budget, this range from Löwengrip is affordable for all and great for those like me who have very sensitive skin. Below you can see the what I am using as well as some others from Löwengrip.

Löwengrip Beauty Faves

Lindsey xx

This post has affiliate links, I was sent the products from Löwengrip not in exchange for a post, all thoughts are my own

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Brilliant Quorn Burgers

If you are looking for an excuse to eat a burger, I’ve got it for you! This Quorn burger is true heaven, there is nothing I love more than chowing down on a mammoth burger, be it for lunch, dinner at a family get together fresh from the bbq or my favourite one after a night out, they have never have tasted so good and these will change in the traditionalist meat burger lover.

A few weeks back I entered on Mumsnet a Quorns Brilliant Burger product trial and it was so good that I just had to share.

I’ve never had Quorn before in any of its forms so as I saw the application to trial these it was a no brainer and what better way for me and Leanora to ease into the Quorn life, with the Quorn brilliant burgers, especially as we are trying to consume a little less meat.

Sometimes you just need something a little naughty, but these Quorn burgers don’t make you feel like that, for me they still taste just as good, no even better than those from your local burger joint and a little more healthier and a lot more tastier. Serve with some seriously good sweet potato dukkah fries and boom life is complete!

Whilst the Quorn patties maybe a little on the small side for me, they are perfect for the kids and just double up and pile on your favourite toppings for you.


1 pack of Quorn brilliant burgers 
Pack of sesame buns
1 red onion sliced
Burger sauce (or ketchup)


1. remove burger from packaging and brush lightly with oil and place under the grill for 10 minutes, after the first 5 turn the burgers over and also place burger buns under the grill to toast or in a toaster for 2 minutes

2. take the bottom half of your burger pun and lightly spread a thin layer or burger sauce, top with your lettuce, burger, sliced on onion a squirt of more burger sauce another layer of lettuce and take the top half of your burger bun and spread another thin layer of your chosen burger sauce, then place on top.

3. if you want to devour a larger burger after your second layer of lettuce repeat the steps in point 2.

Lindsey xx

Monday, 11 March 2019

Just The Two Of Us, With Room On The Broom

Something thing we love doing together is having fun and going on a wild ride, we love jumping on a train playing rock, paper, scissors and playing my favourite, eye spy on route to our next adventure even getting on our bikes from Cycling Bargins. Over the weekend we went to explore Room On The Broom magical journey at Chessington thanks to 365 tickets

Quality time with Leanora has taught me so much about her and myself, things that I loved to do pre-parenting is a distant fond memory which I would never change for anything, but I am making better memories and forming a better bond now. Our bond doesn't just start by us doing fun things to together, but from the moment we wake and argue about why Leanora cannot eat ice poles first thing and why we can not paint poor Milo's nails in a rainbow array of colours.

We love the animated short film Room On The Broom, the book too by Julia Donaldson, so when I told Leanora that we were invited to a fun day out at Chessington for us to explore the brand new attraction that opens officially today I was not surprised she was as pleased as punch as I! The lead-up and since we've left attraction we've read the book a gazillion times, which is great as we are big readers and I always believe in encouraging our children to read, even if it is for 10 minutes a day.

The new attraction at Chessington takes you on an adventure throughout the book, situated in the castle by the main entrance, it is interactive and brilliantly designed it takes about 15 minutes to go all the way through, but fret not there is so much more to do and see be it the Gruffalo adventures, see the tropical birds, gorillas, and meet the tigers, it is really a brilliant day out for everyone you even get to meet a few creatures walking around with there handler and they have lots of information and knowledge to share about all the wildlife that live there. 

With Easter holidays around the corner, I would certainly recommend taking the kids for a magical day out, full of fun and learning. 

Lindsey xx

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