Saturday, 12 November 2022

The Cutest Matching Family PJ's To Order Now


It's that time of the year and I am so exicted, the moment the Christmas adverts come out you know the store will be stocked and certainly not for long on cute matching family pyjama sets. There are so many amazing variety of designs out there, from your check prints, bold reds, a touch of sparkle to festive chrisatmas trees, and your cheeky slogans and those filed with loads of elves Yule be sorry to not of got in to this cosy co-ordinatedf trend.

A few years ago, I decided to start a new family Christmas tradition for me and Leanora, Milo too and that for me is what Christmas is about, creating your own family tradition, plus it is a great for fond family memories and we even get our grandad, aunts and cousins involved too which always make for the perfect family crimbo picture. 

To help find you and your family some cute matching family PJ's for you and your loved one's, I've scoured the lovely web and and stores and rounded up some firm favourites, but I suggest being quick and nab them as soon as possible as they are alwys guaranteed to sell out quick and go treat yo'elf.

I know times are hard, so do not worry I've shared some great ones at every price point, unfortunately I could not link any of Primar's but be sure to head to their stores to find some very affordable PJ's and another of our favourites is ASDA too, I've already had a sneak peak and they are great. 

And don't forget if you are looking for some festive Christmas homeware items, make sure to check back in the week as this will be a big one and one i'm most excited about sharing. I know we are still only 11 days in to November but I am keen as punch to start decorating the home and we've already picked out a theme, A Snowy Christmas.

Now, I'll stop with all the Christmas puns and let's get shopping you snow the drill!!

Don't forget you can keep upto date with what we are doing this festive period over on Instagram and on TikTok too.


Monday, 24 October 2022

Cottage Pie

Nothing quite says comfort like Cottage Pie. This recipe is simple and extremely tasty. 

With the colder nights and heating on, there is no dish better to have to warm up your cockles like a big warming bowl of cheesy cottage pie and last week, I got up a little earlier than usual and made this ahead for our dinner, so all I really needed to do after a long day at work, following afterschool club activities I knew that Leanora and I were going to want a heart warming meal the minute we got home. 

I made enough of this scrumptious cottage pie, to bring with me to work the next day and prepped the remaining half for dad too!! Scoring brownie points with dad, my birthday is coming up soon and I've got my eye on a few things, no matter how old I am you always gonna want a pressie from your parents lol! Nothing quite like cheesy meaty bribery an I right ha!


500 grams of beef mince

1 large onion 

2 tbsp tomato purée

1 tbsp plain flour

150ml/5fl oz red wine

4 sprigs fresh thyme

300ml/14fl oz beef stock

100 grams of grated cheddar cheese 

Worcestershire sauce, to taste

salt and freshly ground black pepper

4 potatoes

115g/4oz butter

125ml/4½fl oz milk


Heat some oil in a large heavy-based pan. Add the onion and cook until softened. Once cooked set aside on a plate.

Return the pan to the heat and add the mince and cook until browned all over. Stir in the cooked onion and add the tomato purée and cook for 1 minute. Stir in the flour and cook for a further minute. Pour in the red wine, scraping up any caramelised bits with a wooden spoon, and add the fresh thyme.

Add the stock and simmer for 45 minutes. Season to taste, and add a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce and mix until combined and then take off the heat and pour in your cooked mince in to your oven proof pie dish and set aside to cool. 

Preheat the grill to high.

Meanwhile, for the mash, put the potatoes in a pan of salted water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 12–15 minutes, or until they are tender. Drain and return the potatoes to the pan, then place over the heat for about 1 minute to drive off any excess moisture. Mash well, then add the butter and milk, beating to form a smooth mash. Season to taste.

Spoon the mash over the top. Grill for 8–10 minutes, or until golden-brown.

No how easy was that!  This dish, guaranteed will certainly warm up the coldest of hearts on the chilliest of nights

Don’t forget to follow for more tasty eats over on Instagram or by using the #LondonMummaEats tag, to show me what  you are eating and made! And for more fun things to do check out our TikTok page! 



Saturday, 22 October 2022

What To Do This October Half Term

Parents across the country and preparing themselves for the October half term shenanigan's and for those wondering what to do with the kiddos this half term, look no further I am here to help and save the day with some great family activities.

Days Out 


One of the latest immersive experience brought to you by Fever. This amazing family friendly exhibition is located a short walk from South Kensington Tube station. Dopamine Land , is a unique and interactive exhibition that combines traditional mediums with innovative technology to activate all your senses, plus you can load up on some free popcorn too.

Jurassic World

I am so excited about this one, 29 years ago was when the original movie first came out I've been in love and watched every single movie, so it makes complete sense for me to walk through the gates and experience what it would be like to be there in real life and come face to face with the life sized dinosaurs. 


Frameless is a brand new culturally rich, immersive, multi-dimensional art experience. Housed in an incredible 30,000 square foot venue and located just a few short steps from Marble Arch and Oxford Street, it is the biggest of its kind in the UK and Leanora and I can not wait to go an explore.

Gravity Wandsworth

The best place ever, if you follow us over on TikTok or Instagram you know we had an amazing time, plus it was super affordable too, we ended up spending just over 3 hours in here and could of spent longer if it was not a Sunday and we did not have school and wor the next day. There are so many different activities, from bowling, golf, go-kart racing an arcade, VR games and darts to even a room dedicated to gamers, this is great place for the family  to spend some time, plus if feeling peckish they have a few different restaurants located in side


As you know we love the theatre, we only started going this year and I have to say we are hooked. We have already seen, The Lion King, Grease, Frozen and Wicked sadly not Matilda YET! I've heard great reviews about Matilda, if it is anything like the 1996 film you know you are going to be in for a treat. 

Make sure to come back for more things to do as I'll be adding to the list, during October half term!

Don't forget you can also follow us for more family adventures on Instagram and TikTok too.



Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Our Favourite Family Weekly Vegetable Haul


I love nothing more than stocking up on some fresh vegetables on a weekly basis.

I do love to change it up each week, but we have some staples. such as avocados, basil and courgettes which I use in a multiples ways and basil is a key ingredients for  my famous homemade pesto which I make on a weekly basis. 

I find that I feel so much better since we started to eat a lot more vegetables, we have changed our eating style in my home, we do not eat as much meat as we used to which is great, plus its get's me making and eating new dishes that I would not of eaten before. 

Courgettes, my all time favouite, be it with pasta or using it as a pasta or my guilty pleaseure, making them in to fritters I find that courgettes are super versatile in dishes whilst most people think they are only best for summertime dishes I personally feel they are great all year round. 

I eat an Avocado at least 5 times a week, particuarlly for breakfast, well certainly on a Sunday when I havee bacon sarnie just to feel better abot eating a tonne of bacon! Another guilty pleasure by means of eating Avocados is, I know a little controversial but it is great in a chocholate mousse.

Romaine lettuce, I love a goodsalad, as a side dish or as a maine for lucnch,  thete are so manny different varaitites but I found wouuld that both Leanora and I love in the form of the Romaine, it's got a great bite and holds it wesight if appkying a dressing.

Caulliflower, I mean a champion in veg. I love to roast it with a some cumin and a splash of olvie oil, grated and used a rice, if I want something lighter and less carby or in the colder months as a soup, it is truly one of our vegetables.

Mushrooms, now most people are not fans, me I can happilly eat mushrooms all day, be it a chestnnut, shitakie or my favourite enoki in a lovely brothy ramen, but always on a pizza, sneaked in to my bolognese meticulously hidden from Leanora, or on a Friday night curled up on a sofa, served on top of a cream bed of polenta.

I hope you enjoyed thiis post and been inspprired to try some of my family favourite vegetable haul, I would love to hear what yours are.

To find out more of family favourites, you can do so  by following me over on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.

Have a woonderful day.



Monday, 12 September 2022

Last Minute Back To School Essentials

I thought I was organised and it was not until a few days in Leanora's return back to school I realised I had missed the mark and forgotten a few things off the list.

You would of thought I would of had a grip on things, I mean Leanora's been going to school for 5 years now, but her needs have changed at school, who am I kidding I just totally forgot, but that's ok, I've done a mad dash after work to my local Rymans and stocked up on the last minute back to essentials.


I mean   how can I forget this, Leanoraa is a doodler during her breaktime and always guarantted, each day after school she cones home with mounts of paper, so to hep reduce this a notepad is perfect for her, not just for her drawings but a great place to keep all her notes too.


Every parents weapon of choice, am I right!! Leanora like most kids misplace, cardigans, jumpers, PE Kit even school bags and I have to say last year we easily went through more than 12 carigans and jumpers, not this year! I've become a graffitti artist and tagged her name inside if EVERYTHING with these sharpie pens.


As previously mentioned kids, come back with so much loose paper in their bags,so keeping all things tidy and in one place, especialy if your child is leaning and instrument or langugage yuo can neatly file away all the papers in one place. 


I'm getting in early,  especially as Leanora has Raynards and I find all the good designs are out now and like last year I missed the mark and did not get the ones I originallly had intended on buying for her, silly I know but a good lined glove can goo quick, just like the school shoes I missed on buying Leanora for this term.

Resealable bags

Ok, may be this was more for me wanting to go Ikea to eat meatballs and a big slice or 2 of Dime cake, but I still managed to get some much needed iconoic ISTAD bags. They are perfect holding little snacks for Leanora and good for the home too, so everyeones a winner. 

Paint, Coloured Pens, Glue, Glitter & Coloured paper/card

There is alaways someething to create for school, be it a homework piece a costume to make and little gift card, Rymans have loads of great craft kits to get you started or if not what you need you can always g=create your own, as these ites are certainly an essential.

I hope these essentials you have foud helpful or if you have anythhing you have found essential for you child return back to school, I would love to hear and please share below.


Disclaimer: Some items in the photo have been gifted for this post


Thursday, 1 September 2022

Homemade Pesto

Pesto is our go to hero condiment, all throughout the year and I can not believe I use to buy this super easy, super tasty and all round awesome sauce when it is so easy to make. 

Every week without fail I have to make a batch of this glorious green sauce, those days not wanting to be in the kitchen and make a grand dinner after a long day at work and want something fresh, tasty and super easy to make, bomb, pop this bad boy at of the fridge, boil up some pasta combine the two great gods together and a sprinkle, well who am I kidding a lovely and very generous sprinkle of parmesan and the family dish just comes together in the most perfect way. 

This pesto works great in salads and sarnies too.

To start making this heavenly sauce, you got to toast up a cup full pine nuts until nice and brown, then toss into my blender.

I like to add 1 cup of olive oil.

Followed by  2 cup fulls of basil.

4 cloves of garlic

Juice of half a lemon

1 cup of grated parmesan, do not buy already grated parmesan the taste is completely different.

A pinch of salt and pepper, then give it all a whizz in your blender.

If you find that it is too thick a splash of water will loosen things up for you.

There is nothing more delicious than enjoying this, with family and friends and you know what the pesto's yet to come. 



Saturday, 27 August 2022

10 Things You Can Do This Weekend Under £20

With the end of the month here and may be all spent out from the summer holiday activities with the kids, I have some fun and cheap things you can do this weekend under £20.00

1. Museum

There so many cool exhibitions on at the moment, our favourite new one was at 180 The Strand, incredibly beautiful immersive experience which you can see here via our TikTok

2. Buy a Book

We've been reading up a storm along with also making sure Leanora is keeping on top of all her maths work, so she doesn't fall behind and she has a head start before the new school year starts, plus you know me I love a new thriller action. 

3. Pamper Night

After a long week, Leanora and I love going to our local Boots or even TK Maxx, buying new nail polish and few fancy face masks and hand gloves, on a Saturday and curl up on the sofa armed with a massive bowl of pasta and having a chilled girly night in whilst watching a family movie .

4. Bowling

Bring on game day, we are super competitive and I wouldn't have it any other way, well maybe not at this moment in time as I am suffering with Sciatica so Leranora and friends have the upper hand but bare with me, in a few weeks this Mummas going to take them all down. We love a game day and our favourite game to play is bowling

5. Go To The Beach

The weekends are the cheapest times to get tickets to go have a splash at the seaside, even if not for the sea, it is always great to get out of the hometown and see some new sights, for some fresh and chippys and bot of rock. 

6. Catch A Movie

Cineworld and Vue have a great family offer, from 10am they show family friends movies and cartoon's from as little as £2.50.

7. Food Market

If you know me, you know I love food and if there is a market on you better believe you will find me there bells ringing and all. I love to keep costs low and what better way to give yourself a limit and see what you can get for £20. Start of with maybe some fresh pastries and coffees, go for a walk around town before you head back in for lunch and see what delicious treats you can get. 

8. Go To The Lido

This summer we spent loads of time sunning and swimming at our local Lido in Tooting, there are so many in and around London, so if you can not get to the beach why not book yourself in for a swim at your local Lido. 

9. Cook for friends and family

Instead of dining our, why not get some friends and family and over for a little afresco dining if you have outside space, or dine if not and rustle up one of my favourite and affordable cheap eats, such as my Provolone Chicken Rollatini  followed by Lemon and Pictahio cake

10. Go To The Theatre

Official London Theatre have some great offers, where kids can currently go for free as well as some other great affordable theatre tickets that you can bag for under £20.000 why not head on over and catch a little matinee.

Make sure to come back and see what else I will be adding to the list. I am also planning on creating a list of cheaper things to do plus a whole load of free thing for you and the family. 

Don't forget you can follow us on Instagram and TikTok too. 



Sunday, 31 July 2022

How Extend Your Weekend On A Sunday

Have you ever woken up and thought, WOW where did the weekend go, it's literally flown by with a blink of an eye?! Yep my too gurl, and guess what I gotta great way on extending your weekend, all beginning on a Sunday!

Watch a feel good show, nothing quite lifts your spirits then watching something that will put a smile on your face and keep you giggling, I am currently loving Dollface which was introduced to me by my friend Jamie and he said this show will be right up my alley a feel good, girl boss show about a girl who gets dumped by here boyfriend, she then has an imaginary cat friend who guides her through her journey and encourages her to build back her female friendships which she left behind. You can watch Dollface on Disney +. 

Currently reading The Guest List and it is incredible in so many ways and has become my weekend companion, so much so I've only a few chapters left, of this whodunit thriller. I find reading really helps my mind and especially when it is something you enjoy and I find that it is the perfect way to extend your weekend, by knowing you have completed something that you have enjoyed.

Leanora and I have been currently eating a lot of vegetarian and vegan meals and making loads of pesto and using it many different ways, with pasta, sandwiches and even in our salads, don't worry, i'll be sharing our super easy recipe soon I always find making something with Leanora fun and that is what Sundays should be fun, creating something with your loved ones or friends, will never give you those Sunday blues. 

Plan something fun for the evening, such as an exercise class, a spot of yoga or pliates or even go swimming, it will take your mind off thinking about Monday and will give you something to look forward too.

Lastly, don't get too hung up about Monday, just enjoy your Sunday YOUR way!!

Don’t forget to follow me over on Instagram or by using the #LondonMumma tag to show me what you get this weekend and for some fun inspo on extending your weekend you can check us out on TikTok



Thursday, 30 June 2022

Our Favourite Kid-Approved Online Shoe Den

Shining a light on this amazing online, cool kids shoe store simply couldn’t wait, I just had to share it with you.

I find, finding trainers or sneakers as to which Leanora now likes to call them since watching Sneakella on Disney + along with school shoes can be a stress in its self, I’ll be jumping from one website, to another and another! You get my meaning but after looking through The Kids Shoe Den I found that they have a vast collection of footwear and brands on offer, such as Lelli Kelly, an always trusted school brand Clarks and Geox on this super easy to navigate site, as well as selling footwear for children of all ages at all stages in their lives. From crawlers and cruisers to school leavers and a bonus they ship Nationwide, so all us parenst are winners in the world. 

The website is designed for the easiest, so muggings here can navigate around easily and what I love is the kitsch little items on offer, such as the cute Llama socks, backpacks to sunnies and lots of other accessories to kit the kiddos out this summer and seasons beyond.

For me I can never get Leanora's footsize right, don't you find that our littles are growing at a rapid rate at the moment, I just need Leanora to slow down. But if in doubt of your super speedy growers footsize you can acutally purchase a foot gauge which has been a god send, I mean even I've tried it out, but we won't go into my foot size, all I am happy about is that my mothers is bigger than mine lol! Soz mum. 

However, with us in a new season and always thinking ahead I love the fact that I can plan ahead for the new school term with Kids Shoe Den as well as stock up on new summer favourites along with being fully prepared and get some new school shoes and wellies to put down for Leanora.

Do you have any great adventures happening this weekend, let us know in the comments below or tag us over on Instagram.

Don't forget you can keep upto date with what we are doing over on Instagram and some of our latest videos on TikTok and shop all our looks via LTK, plus keep up to date on what’s new on the blog via Bloglovin!

Have a great day all!!


Disclaimer: the items sent were gifted


Monday, 18 April 2022

4 Things To Do For A Productive Monday

Yes, most of us hate Monday's but I've learnt to embrace them, each week is a new week, which comes with new opportunities and I like to be ahead of the game and get productive for my Monday and use my Sunday's wisely. 


I like to be ahead of the game, giving me more time on a Monday morning to actually get ready at a leisurely pace, instead of running around like a mad woman and leaving the house in a sweaty mess.


Weekends, I like to get organised and buy only what I need for the coming week, which seems like a good option right! I know, I am right, this way I keep spending to a minimum and its a great way to help budget and eat really well for the coming week instead of over buying and over spending and sticking to what I have in the fridge. 


Sunday's are meant to be for you, to kick back recharge and get your ducks in a row! Now, am I right we all probably have a vast amount of skin and haircare so lets put it to good use and take care of our skin and hair and relax with a little pamper session, deep condition your hair all in the luxury of your own home. 


I hate to be late, being late can really set me off for a bad day, so I like to get up early, stretch and workout along with creating a todo list for the day. I find getting up a little bit early really sets me up for the day ahead, plus the sun is rising earlier so I like to make the most of it. 

Don’t forget to follow me over on Instagram or by using the #LondonMumma tag to show me what you get up to or keep up to date on what’s new on the blog via Bloglovin!



Saturday, 16 April 2022

What To Make And Bake This Easter


There is nothing more than I love, than a little family time, especially in April as this is when I have a little time off from work, which I get to spend with Leanora and family and friends, plus its Easter. Easter is time when the daffodils  bloom, spring has finally come plus, we get to eat all the chocolate we want and not regret it. 

Lemon and Pistachio Cake
Nothing quite screams spring more than lemons, it fresh and tasty and combine that with pistachio nuts in to a cake and its like spring has sprung and tickle your taste buds with this beautiful cake to share with family and friends.

Easter Egg Hunt
Who doesn't love a good Easter egg hunt, for those with families or even if you don't, get some friends round a for a fun game of hunting for some eggs and other little treats. What I love about this game you can personalise it your needs, great creative and create some fun colorful bunting and other decorations and personalise it with the players names this is something that you can get everyone involved in.

Easter Meringue Delight
With left over mini eggs and a whole load of fresh eggs and cream, this is a sure fire crowd please, this super light Easter meringue delight, perfect treat after all the Easter egg hunting. 

Lamb Shawarma
No Easter is complete without a tasty lamb dish, we are huge shawarma fans and we've used a lovely leg of lamb which is enough to feed the whole family and tasty left over lunch the following day. Super easy to make just click on here for the recipe.

Let me know if you make these tasty recipes or have your own Easter egg hunt in the comments below or by tagging me over on Instagram and using the #LondonMummaEats tag or save over on Pinterest to try for a later date. 

For more tasty dishes, you can follow me over on Bloglovin to never miss a dish.



Where To Eat This Spring


Guys, we have tried and tested some great restaurants all thanks to Square Meal sourcing some fabulous eateries this Spring in the UK.

With the Square Meal website which is easy to use and navigate around, which you can find here you are able to find the likes of Gallio, which you can read all about this wonderful new Mediterranean restaurant here based in the heart of Canary Wharf, London A Mediterranean delight  and many more in the area.

The sun is finally shining and the daffodils are blooming in the UK and all I want to do is dine alfresco, be it here in London or little further afield for a little weekend getaway to the beach, such a Brighton with Leanora! 

When it comes to dining out and where to go and always wanting to try something new, Square Meal are able to help me source just what I am looking for via their easy to use search fields, which enable me to narrow down just what I am after, be it a roof terrace restaurant with a buzzy family vibe, a chilled beer garden to even a nice quaint little eatery with a water view dining experience, which is perfect for a day date to see you in to the glorious evening giving you the perfect sunset back drop. 

Since the early 1990s when Square Meal was first launched, they have come leaps and bounds and offer so many alternative places to have new dining experiences, along with helping those who even may be looking for a venue for a birthday party or christening, they even can help source your wedding venue to recipes, so if you are not wanting to dine out and want to cook a slap up meal they are there to help assist you with this and so much  more. 

Dining out for me is all about the experience and that it has to offer as well memories that you get to create with family and friends. Leanora and I recently went to Circolo Popolare and the atmosphere, was electrifying, we went for an early lunch and the place was heaving, it was lively the staff were amazing and the venue, I mean wow absolutely stunning you must go it is absolutely spectacular and the food was out of this world good. Circolo Popolare, brings you true classic Sicillian dishes from Italy right to your table in the heart of London and it is not too badly priced also. I have also been meaning to try out it's other sister restaurants also located in London, but they do have others too around the world from Madrid to Paris and other countries. 

This is what I love about Square Meal, they are able to bring so many new and great places together all in one place for you to try  and explore new dishes from all over the world right here in the UK. and with it being bank holiday and few extra days off work, I truly recommend checking them out to see what they have on offer. 

Do you have any great foodie adventures happening this weekend, let us know in the comments below or tag us over on Instagram.

Don't forget you can keep upto date with what we are doing over on Instagram and some of our latest videos on TikTok and shop all our looks via LTK.

Happy weekend all!


Disclaimer: this is a paid collaborative post but all words are my own 


Thursday, 7 April 2022

4 Must See Family Movies This Weekend

I am always looking for a way to end screen time and the sneakiest and I must say smartest way, is by introducing movie night! Leanora loves it and I do too, not only it brakes her away from the screen, this is a time for us to make life long memories share stories and watch movies together and we've got 4 must see family movies this weekend. So grab the popcorn and all those household famous treats and don't forget the kids and snuggle up for movie night.

Turning Red

We are big Disney fans and the latest installment from them is Turning Red, we watch this family favourite near enough every day. Turning Red features Mei, a 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian student who, due to a hereditary curse, transforms into then fluffiest red panda and with friends in tow trys to battle this curse, when brought on by her teenage emotions. 


A Pixar animation following two brothers on a laugh out loud on an epic journey to see if magic truly exsists.

Sing 2

My favourite all time feel good sing a long movie Sing 2. If you are loved the first film the second is going to totally blow your mind, so do some vocal sing as you will be rocking the house with this amazing movie. 

The Croods 2

Its all about the Croods vs the Bettermans in this second installment whilst looking for a new home for the Croods, they feel looked down upon by the Bettermans, but are the Bettermans hiding a secret in the beautifully captivating home?

For more grate family movies click here or looking for something to do this weekend click here

Don't forget you can keep upto date with what we are doing over on Instagram and some of our latest videos on TikTok.


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