Monday, 18 April 2022

4 Things To Do For A Productive Monday

Yes, most of us hate Monday's but I've learnt to embrace them, each week is a new week, which comes with new opportunities and I like to be ahead of the game and get productive for my Monday and use my Sunday's wisely. 


I like to be ahead of the game, giving me more time on a Monday morning to actually get ready at a leisurely pace, instead of running around like a mad woman and leaving the house in a sweaty mess.


Weekends, I like to get organised and buy only what I need for the coming week, which seems like a good option right! I know, I am right, this way I keep spending to a minimum and its a great way to help budget and eat really well for the coming week instead of over buying and over spending and sticking to what I have in the fridge. 


Sunday's are meant to be for you, to kick back recharge and get your ducks in a row! Now, am I right we all probably have a vast amount of skin and haircare so lets put it to good use and take care of our skin and hair and relax with a little pamper session, deep condition your hair all in the luxury of your own home. 


I hate to be late, being late can really set me off for a bad day, so I like to get up early, stretch and workout along with creating a todo list for the day. I find getting up a little bit early really sets me up for the day ahead, plus the sun is rising earlier so I like to make the most of it. 

Don’t forget to follow me over on Instagram or by using the #LondonMumma tag to show me what you get up to or keep up to date on what’s new on the blog via Bloglovin!



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