Friday, 18 March 2022

4 Things To Do This Glorious Sunny Weekend


Did someone say the sun is out and in London, you know what that means we are all going to be out out, safely mind you!

This weekend Leanora and I are going to make the most of it and we thought, lets not be selfish and share with you lovely lot 4 things to do this glorious sunny weekend. 

Globalls - Brighton

Who doesn't love a day at the seaside, incorporate that with a bit of golf and your on to cracking day. This weekend we are actually off to Brighton for the day and I can not wait, I saw on Heysareta Instagram a few weeks back this totally insnae looking indoor golf course, which totally lit up in neon lights, the them was wildfile and I have to hit her up and find out about the awesome place! The tickets are extremely affordable for a round, I think even maybe cheaper than when we play in London, which is making me think I'm on to a winner, which then = ME WINNING....Finally?!?!? Probabnly not but it truly looks awesome and I can not wait for a round with Leanora. 


With London filled with promise of beaming sunshine, why not make the most of it and pack a lunch a little juice for the kids, a sneaky vino for you and higher a boat for a few hours and bask in the sunshine up and dowe the rivers of London, plus you get to be the captain as you get to steer the boat, plus not only is it family friendly you can bring your pet pooches too. 

Seven Dials Market

We are major foodies and I know you guys are too, so grab a few people the more the merrier and head on down to Covent Garden for a leisurely stroll to build up that appetite, before settling in to the bustling food and drink market of Seven Dials, we have yet to been but school pickup is soon, so by the time you've read this we shall be there and I'll be making a bee line to Yum Bun first as I've heard good things, before we make our way around the market to try out the rest of it's goodies on offer.

Columbia Road Flower Market

We have no intention of staying in the house this weekend, well a little on Sunday to tidy up the garden before we head over to East London to visit Columbia Road Flower Market for some new beauties for our garden. This is a weekly trade every Sunday from 8am to 2pm, closest tubes are Bethnal Green or Hoxton overground. It is always bustling and you spot a face or two you know, we simply love the atmosphere and alol the beautiful flowers on offer you simply hate to leave any

If you can not make it this weekend, don't worry half term is fat approaching why not check out the above then. 

Do you have any great adventures happening this weekend, let us know in the comments below or tag us over on Instagram.

Happy weekend all!



How To Add A Pop Of Colour To Your Workwear

I am a firm believer that what you put out there in to the universe, is what you get right back and in this case I am putting out all the colour a dash of pink at a time, in hopes for Spring to finally arrive here in London......My prayers have been answered!

I personally prefer a neutral pallet when it comes to work, but I like to be adventurous when Spring is on the horizon and let everyone know it is fast approaching. I am not talking about bang in your face head to toe colour, I'll save that for brunch on the weekends, but a dash here or there during the week slotted in nicely in to my workwear is perfect, plus I like to give the directors heart attack not knowing how bright I'll be on the day!

Now adding colour to your workwear wardrobe doesn't have to be intense, there are my causal days where i'll go for a long sleeve striped breton top to work, which I'll wear with tailored trousers and a blazer, be it fitted or oversized and soon to be by the grace of god a light linen version! But to inject a pop of colour into it I'll opt for one a cerulean blue stripe or nice punchy red whilst still keeping it chic for work. you can not got wrong.

I have linked plenty of happy hues for you to peruse and shop above and below, so take advantage kick back and relax, enjoy the glorious sunshine, maybe with a vino in hand .

I hope you guys found this post helpful for your workwear needs, let me know your thoughts on the comments below or tag me in your spring workwear attire over on Instagram.

Happy shopping!


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Thursday, 17 March 2022

What A Mum Wants

If you love being spoiled or spoiling others, then Mother's Day is certainly the day to splurge and indulge on some really great and unique gifts to purchase for your mother and grandmother too!

This Mother's day will certainly be a unique one and one to remember, especially now all restrictions have ceased, we are able to spend it with our superhero mums and make it all about them, (do you hear that Leanora lol!)  and actually get to spend quality time with them in the flesh and indulge there every whim and yes mum I will be spoiling ya rotten with some amazing gifts for her

Another one of my favourite things to do on Mothers Day, is that I have a little tradition with my friends and I get all us mummas together just us as women, friends and mothers, for a much needed girly date night and just have an opportunity to spend some quality time with each other. I mean motherhood would of been a lot more lonely if I did not have these ladies, to share stories with, parenting fails, laughs and loves and so much more. 

My mother and my mumma friends are all so different! For instance my mother is a gardening queen who loves to eat chocolate, I have a friend who loves all things makeup and beauty, another who adores  perfume and another who is Vegan and all have worked hard and are amazing so little gifts are a simple but meaningful way to tell them I care. 

Boots have everything and more than I need to tell and show these women that I care, it is not about spending a fortune by any means, that is not what gifting is about, but it's the little sentimental gifts to let these women of all types of personalities know, that you got this and you are doing and will always do an amazing job and that I appreciate you. 

I personally love finding the best brands at the best prices possible and I can do all of that on the Boots website or store, they have an array of items on available on the Mother's Day gifts Collection, plus I can always browse for me to, I mean I deserve a treat too I like to pampered and spoiled, even if it is a new nail polish or my new favourite thing which is a luxury bathbomb I can find all that I need here. 

So this mothers day, Boots is certainly the brand the keeps giving for all us mummas. 

Happy Mother's Day to you all. 


This post is in conjunction with Boots UK but all thoughts are my own 


Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Books I am Excited My Child Is Reading

Reading is one of our favourite past times, we love to snuggle up on the sofa and get lost into a new adventure, we even take them out with us if we are out and about for the day!

I was a major reader when I was kid, I couls of easily read 3 books at time and dive in to more if needed and I am extremly grateful to say, that my daughter is the same way, took some persuading though not going to lie, but when she found what she loved, she couldn't stop.

Over the Christmas period, I was working and Leanora was at my mums home and my mother still has pretty much every single book that I read as a kid. Leanora found these books and I've not seen her face light up so much to read another. 

The 90's kid in me was not a fan of WWE, so I decided to leave that to my brother, instead I preferred to head off out to the library and there it was, a shiny green book 'Stay out of the basement' by RL Stine! Yup, you guessed it, the Goosebumps collection. 

I was hooked without hesitation and I wanted more, they were spooky, they were different but above all the kids always triumphed over evil and I loved the thrill it gave, with every page and word I just screamed for more. I eventually worked my way through the whole 50+ collection in no time and I generally forgot about the books until the movie came out, I then had a kid who is now aged 7 going on 27, she falls in love with a collection that I cherished so dear to my heart, and to see her turning the pages I turned as kid, smiling as I smiled and yearning for more.

She has read a few of mine, but I've just ordered a few spanking news one for her and for your kids, wanting to read something exciting fun a tad scary I say go for it with these fun loving books. 

Have you or your children read any of the Gossebumps collections, if not what do they love reading?

Don't forget you can keep upto date with what we are doing over on Instagram and some of our latest videos on TikTok.



Friday, 11 March 2022

6 Of Our Favourite Family Movies

With the forecast with rain a coming this weekend and I am scrambling to get out of work, do the final school run of the week and get home, all I can think about is Leanora and I's Friday night movie night where we our favourite family movies! Pj's on, hot coco in hand and the biggest bowl of popcorn and of course haribo we know the we have a got a cosy night ahead of us and we want to share that with you too and below we've listed 6 of our favourite family movies. 


Nothing says family feel good comedy than blended, if it has Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in you know you are going to be on to a hit. This all about two families coming together in the funniest and heartwarming way possible, even the kids do not want it to happen.


The latest Disney hit, I mean we literally watch this at least twice a week and we know all the words to 'We don't talk about Bruno' The story is all about Mirabel and her family coming together stronger than ever after a termultious start to the family, which awarded them speciali abilities to protect their home town. 


A beautiful story about a boy navigating his way out of the sea and into the real world, torn between the two and wanting to explore what the world above waters have to offer.

Hotel Transylvania 

I mean we all know this movie and I simply am amazing by the funny story lines, Amazon Prime has gifted us with the latest and its another adventure following Drac and his family and friends through the magical life of  monsters and human, all whilst not wanting to retire from the first monster hotel.

Space Jam

I hated the first, reason being in the early 90s my brother made me watch this a million times a day, not well into my 30s and a mother, I can endure the movies, especially as there is a new one featuring Le Bron James and Buggs Bunny and the crew and talking of crew me and Leanora are not sick of watching the space jam of a movie.

Raya and the last dragon

Another favourite Disney movie Raya and the last dragon, beautifully animated movie set in the ficitional land of Kumantra, with Raya on the hunt to save civilastion by searching for the lat dragon who may just be able to help her

Don't forget you can keep upto date with what we are doing over on Instagram and some of our latest videos on TikTok.


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