Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Books I am Excited My Child Is Reading

Reading is one of our favourite past times, we love to snuggle up on the sofa and get lost into a new adventure, we even take them out with us if we are out and about for the day!

I was a major reader when I was kid, I couls of easily read 3 books at time and dive in to more if needed and I am extremly grateful to say, that my daughter is the same way, took some persuading though not going to lie, but when she found what she loved, she couldn't stop.

Over the Christmas period, I was working and Leanora was at my mums home and my mother still has pretty much every single book that I read as a kid. Leanora found these books and I've not seen her face light up so much to read another. 

The 90's kid in me was not a fan of WWE, so I decided to leave that to my brother, instead I preferred to head off out to the library and there it was, a shiny green book 'Stay out of the basement' by RL Stine! Yup, you guessed it, the Goosebumps collection. 

I was hooked without hesitation and I wanted more, they were spooky, they were different but above all the kids always triumphed over evil and I loved the thrill it gave, with every page and word I just screamed for more. I eventually worked my way through the whole 50+ collection in no time and I generally forgot about the books until the movie came out, I then had a kid who is now aged 7 going on 27, she falls in love with a collection that I cherished so dear to my heart, and to see her turning the pages I turned as kid, smiling as I smiled and yearning for more.

She has read a few of mine, but I've just ordered a few spanking news one for her and for your kids, wanting to read something exciting fun a tad scary I say go for it with these fun loving books. 

Have you or your children read any of the Gossebumps collections, if not what do they love reading?

Don't forget you can keep upto date with what we are doing over on Instagram and some of our latest videos on TikTok.



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