Sunday, 31 July 2022

How Extend Your Weekend On A Sunday

Have you ever woken up and thought, WOW where did the weekend go, it's literally flown by with a blink of an eye?! Yep my too gurl, and guess what I gotta great way on extending your weekend, all beginning on a Sunday!

Watch a feel good show, nothing quite lifts your spirits then watching something that will put a smile on your face and keep you giggling, I am currently loving Dollface which was introduced to me by my friend Jamie and he said this show will be right up my alley a feel good, girl boss show about a girl who gets dumped by here boyfriend, she then has an imaginary cat friend who guides her through her journey and encourages her to build back her female friendships which she left behind. You can watch Dollface on Disney +. 

Currently reading The Guest List and it is incredible in so many ways and has become my weekend companion, so much so I've only a few chapters left, of this whodunit thriller. I find reading really helps my mind and especially when it is something you enjoy and I find that it is the perfect way to extend your weekend, by knowing you have completed something that you have enjoyed.

Leanora and I have been currently eating a lot of vegetarian and vegan meals and making loads of pesto and using it many different ways, with pasta, sandwiches and even in our salads, don't worry, i'll be sharing our super easy recipe soon I always find making something with Leanora fun and that is what Sundays should be fun, creating something with your loved ones or friends, will never give you those Sunday blues. 

Plan something fun for the evening, such as an exercise class, a spot of yoga or pliates or even go swimming, it will take your mind off thinking about Monday and will give you something to look forward too.

Lastly, don't get too hung up about Monday, just enjoy your Sunday YOUR way!!

Don’t forget to follow me over on Instagram or by using the #LondonMumma tag to show me what you get this weekend and for some fun inspo on extending your weekend you can check us out on TikTok



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