Friday, 15 June 2018

4 Things I've Leaned Since Becoming A Mumma

A few weeks ago it was Leanora's 4th birthday, I mean I just can not believe how quickly she has grown up into this little miss independent lady. Gone are the days I can call her my baby, well that is because she won't let me, I mean the girl has supersonic ears, she even hears me when I mumble the words, mumma's baby. I have learnt so much and grown so much thanks to her, she makes me a better person, a woman and a happy mother. 

I have always wanted children, but never thought at 29 whilst getting ready to meet a friend who just had a baby, that I would find out that I was pregnant, I simply thought I had a bad bottle of wine from the night before, thank god it wasn't because I was blessed with the best news and little girl in the world. 

Leanora and children, teach you so much, much more than you would ever think or dream possible, now don't get me wrong parenting can be tough, even as a single parent, but it is as tough as you make it and what matters is how you face challenges in life, love and parenting that matters and when you know that you have a little person or persons to carry on for it makes it so worthwhile. 

Nothing big or small other than your little person matters, be it Friday night after work drinks, partying until the cows come home, that must have bag and shoes you used to spend a bomb or your whole paycheck on matters anymore.

I never really new love, I thought I did but nothing can compare to true natural love, until you hold your babe for the very first time, I mean that first kick you feel that movement when inside your tummy, your babies first smile, the first cry, laugh, step they take, when they find your secret stash of sweets and eat it and deny it to the very last moment whilst clutching the wrapper. Love for me with my baby sorry big girl is unconditional and endless and she has given me more than she would ever know. 

You learn how to communicate real quick when you become a mother, you have to, you have no choice, you got to be able to really understand and talk to your child. The key to nailing this is, listening, really listening to what they are saying and doing, or not saying and doing, yes I mean when they take your lipstick and draw all over the wall, then say that the cat did it. 

They are wise and sound
Trust me they are wiser than you think and a lot smarter than you realise. I asked Leanora how was her day, did she enjoy it and her response was 'yes mummy it was the best day ever', 'why Leanora' because I got to spend it with my families, they love me, they take care of me and you sat down with me and taught me how to spell my name, I' love all my families' she blew me away and left me beaming with pride.

I want to wish Leanora a happy birthday and for teaching me so much and allowing me to be apart of her life, my little Cha-Chi, Happy Birthday. Love you to the moon and back. Mumma xx

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London Mumma


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