Happiness is not hard to find, it is within us all! Some days granted we can wake up on the wrong side of the bed, trust me I know, my daughter sleeps next to me and sometimes I feel like I've just slept next to a character out of mortal combat whilst I have had Milo (the cat) sleeping on top of my head! But clear your mind and let go of any negativity and open your mind to happiness, after all, it is a stat of mind and a choice.
So feeling down, angry or sad! Here are four tips to achieve happiness every single day.
Write a gratitude list
No matter the time of day, list 3 things that you are grateful for, be it the shoes you spied in the shop window to the Nando's meal you are about to have later in the day, to watch your child running around playing and laughing. A gratitude list is a great step to achieving happiness and be grateful for what you have.
Surround yourself with those that make you happy
Need I say more! Negativity comes in many different forms and sometimes you can get so deep into it that you do not even realise that you are surrounded by it. So change it up and have those around you, who make you happy and have a positive impact on your life.
Do one act of kindness every day
Do not over think it. The gesture does not have to be grand just spontaneous, be it the moment you step out of the door and the first person you see, smile and say good morning to buying a coffee for the person behind you, to helping someone cross the road who is less able on their own, to calling your grandparents and wishing them a wonderful day, these small gestures of happiness does not just elevate your day but others too.
Do what you love and love what you do
Be it at work, to cooking and parenting too. Make sure it is right and works for you because doing something that you do not love will not lead you to your happiness.
I hope these tips will lead you to your happiness.
You may also like, my other posts, how to have a better day, how to achieve patience and how to be productive.
London Mumma
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