Monday, 15 May 2017

4 Ways To Achieve Patience

Life can certainly throw some curve balls at you in life, least when you expect it and your patience can certainly be tested and anxiety can go into overdrive, but calming anxiety, especially since becoming a parent I can help with here, but patience is key and something I have mastered and still mastering, but being able to achieve and to maintain patience is a different thing, but I can certainly help you master it, with these 3 Ways to achieve patience. Trust me, these helped get me through, especially as I am connoisseur hot head! 

Playsuit - H&M
Trainers - JD Sports
Bag - Mango (now in the sale @ £12.99)
Sunglasses - Michael Kors - similar

I have been known to lose my temper quite quickly, instead of thinking of things like a rational normal person, yes embarrassingly I've been known to go in all guns blazing! Which A  can make you look like a fool and  B quite possibly a horrible person, which may I add I'm not (currently biting my teeth, with anxiety).

The thing is I am just impatient, I even walk fast, even just to go the shops. Through childbirth, I felt I was even trying to rush it and get Leanora out, all because I'm just too darn impatient.

Take it easy
Plain and simple, calm the heck down! I try to take and do things slower do things at a slower pace, no matter what, it will always be there if it is not then it's not meant to be, you will infuriate and suffer yourself if you continuously keep going like a mad person.

Find your calm
I am a big worrier, anxiety literally takes over my body and I jut run with it. A friend recently said to me, just be calm do not worry, whatever the end result, what will be will be. Just calm down.

Before opening up and going off, just take the time to think about the situation. Think how you've come to this point, why you have to come to this point and why you are in the situation, that you may be in. Instead of going in with a clouded and frazzled mind, count to 10 and reassess the situation or matter at hand and then decide on what you are going to say or do. 

Don't give up
Practice makes perfect and patience takes time, but not giving up on yourself is a sure fire way, to help you achieve patience. And inner zen! No one says you will get there the first time round, but believe in your shelf and have some faith, you will certainly achieve patience.

How do you practice patience, do you have any great tips?

Playsuit - H&M
Trainers - JD Sports
Bag - Mango (now in the sale @ £12.99)
Sunglasses - Michael Kors - similar

London Mumma xx


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