Monday, 29 May 2017

Half Term Family Activities

I'm currently on route to the office for a few short hours and I've just realised it's half term. Mother and Auntie duties will certainly be taking up my whole week, but it's dawned on me, what on earth are we going to do, but don't worry I realised I planned for this weeks ago and made a little to-do list for this halftime term.

Flip Out
Flip Out quite literally you will flip out! A few weeks ago Leanora, my nephews & I were invited to try out the new FlipOut branch in Brent Cross, what is it may I ask! Think old school Gladiators, just minus the tackling the warriors but an indoor bouncy castle-trampoline-assault course for kids and us big kids too! You get to spend 90 minutes jumping for joy, all whilst leaving you in a fit of giggles trying to get out of the foam pit.

Get crafty
Nothing like a little creativity with the kiddos, not sure on what to create don't worry I've got loads of ideas over on my Pinterest page.

All week, the majority of the cinemas have kids am screening, showcasing not the latest movies, but recently released ones at a fraction of the cost from £2.00, that's for adult tickets too, so why not check out your local cinema to see what is on offer.

Eat out
We love to eat out and try new foods, being in London there is so much to offer, with the weather nicely warmed up, why not get something to eat out and dine alfresco. Dining out for dinner try going before the mad rush of dinner service, so maybe try a 5/5:30 pm slot or if out and about and in the Clapham area I certainly recommend Baba Boom, they have an awesome menu loads of tasty meats and veggie options for you to try, plus they have a great kids menu. I did do a post about them, but deleted it like a muppet, but trust me, it’s good!

Bike Rides
You can not be cooped up all day, so get some fresh clean air into your lungs, head down to the park and go for a leisurely bike ride with the kids, a great source of exercise for the whole family.

What do you have planned this half term?

London Mumma xx



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