Thursday, 27 April 2017

5 Ways To Actually Be Productive

These little tips are a surefire way to help boost your productivity. We set out with the best intentions, but things always seem to get in the way, we put it off and tell ourselves we will get to it later, later turns into tomorrow, tomorrow turns into next week, until we realise it's too late and something else requires our attention and I for one am certainly guilty of all of the above, so lets get over all that procrastinating and let's get productive!

What you and I need to realise, if you want to get shit done no one else is going to do it for you, so get your butt into gear and get prioritising, it's not hard, but practice makes perfect right!?

Well the answer to that is simply yes, but just writing this alone, I've been distracted, new emails have come in, my daughter, the cat and to top it off, I've got the TV on! (Damn you TOWIE) Coffee is required, then I'm thinking about where to grab coffee later and then a little Pinterest and Instagram roaming, then I find myself circling back to where I actually need to be. 

Sound familiar?

My head is clearly clouded and then one way to clear it, is to make a plan and actually be productive and organise my surroundings for the task at hand and I have a great post that this is also great if you are in a blogging slump.

So grab a notebook, post-it note (I love these) iPad, whatever I've got a wee little list, 6 in fact, ways to actually help you be productive.

When making your list, think about what is important what requires your attention first and foremost, on then can you truly get organised. Once you have made that list, that's your first step to being productive and readies you to tackle what is required doing.

No matter what you are doing, it is vital to relax your brain and body and take that much-needed break, the worst thing you can do is try to tackle something in frustration. Be it going for a walk, listening to some music or cooking, once you have had that down time you will be ready to conquer and be productive. 

Nothing is more infectious and can get you down than being in a negative space and this can really set you/us back in life and stop us in being productive. What you have to remember is tomorrow will be better, life will go on and in helping you be productive I have 5 ways to have a better day, or get out and go do something that YOU love to do.

The best way to get productive is preparation, preparation is key. So prep for tomorrow the night before, think about what you are going to do, wear and go and have everything all organised, you can even make breakfast ahead so you are all sorted for the morning.

In order to be productive, you need to have energy and being well rested is the way to go and get ready to smash it and get you out of that slump. A good night sleep is so beneficial to our health and helps reduce our stress levels.

What are your tips on being productive?

London Mumma xx



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