Tuesday, 20 February 2018

How To Manage Holiday Savings

Even though the winter season is shortly coming to an end (I pray) I am sure we are all craving some summer sun beating on our skin, giving us a golden sun-kissed glow and sand in our toes and the ocean sea air and what better way to prep than getting yourself organised for some holiday saving.

I crave to be more organised and money friendly, but who am I kidding I am terrible. Who am I to give advice if I can not even take it, but contraire mon frere, I've grown up well a little, unless there is a kids party afoot and I see a bouncy castle then it's game on, rents you better get your kids outta the way Mumma coming-a-bouncing!! But I think I've cracked it on how to manage holiday savings, which I will be sharing with you in this post some of my handy tips and tricks.

But jokes set aside I have made a few amendments and look at things a bit more practical to help get me more money savvy for the holidays. No New Years resolutions here, but 6 things you can do for you.

Plan ahead
As soon as you know where you want to go and if you don't have the cash in full, a great way is by putting a deposit down in advance and paying it off as you go along before your flight date, great for families or big travel destinations.

If you know you haven't got good credit, get that sorted, I was scared at looking at my credit score, but I had to take the plunge and take a peak, with one eye opened mind you, and a great way of building back up your credit score is by paying off your bills or another way is even by getting a loan, even with bad credit you might be able to secure loan no matter how big or small, but repaying it off in time can help boost your credit. Plus it comes in handy when to have extra cash whilst on holiday.

You are going to need to new swimming costumes, beach towels and dresses so buy as you go along or even look out for sales and key pieces that will stand the test of time.

A massive saving is holiday insurance, no matter where you go in the world holiday insurance is perfect and a life saver and get you out of any sticky situations which are out of your control, plus it will give you peace of mind too, I always get my holiday insurance from The Post Office, they have everything I need and loads of different packages to suit all types.

You are always are going to want to save money for little trinkets to bring back home to loved ones and gifts for memories of your holidays, so set aside a small budget for this, be it an allocation to each person or a budget in mind of what you will be spending. 

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London Mumma xx


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