Friday, 2 February 2018

Dating Tips For Single Parents

Dating tips for the single parent...... what is that, is it a thing, but contrary mon frere I believe it is a thing, very much a big thing.

Valentines less than a few weeks away, we all dream of wanting someone to cosy up too, and I'm not talking about the kids. 

Myself new to the dating scene, I felt like it was alien, like where do I go, how do I do this, what is doing this, further more am I too frickin old, err NO, this gal is in her prime, besides your never too old, granted a few greys, nothing that hair dye won't sort, dark circles under the eye, check, Bobbi Brown concealer will sort it, so why all the worry, so I decided to take the plunge and dip my toes in. 

Be honest about the fact that you have a child
Honesty is always the best policy. However I do certainly believe that you should not unload too much information straight away, you want to keep an air of mystery about yourself, keep the person on their toes and guessing. Nothing is sexier than hiding or should I say being aloof to keep them interested and wanting to know more about you.

Enjoy your time with another adult 
I used to fret all the time before I went on my first date about my daughter, is it the right time to leave her, will she be ok, should I not be spending this time with her. The answer is, yes, yes, no, because I spend all my time with her, and she sees me every day, where is my time to feel normal. I did feel like after I had Leanora, I lost me in the parenting world, my life obviously is dedicated to her, but what about little old me, which is not healthy, a little time apart and spending time with someone else is good for us. 

Be positive about dating
No one wants to date a  negative nancy, so throw caution to the wind, let your hair down and simply have fun. Don't get me wrong, not every date that you go on will be great, I've had my fair few where it turned out horrible and I've made my excuses and ran off (thank god I have a child) but not all dates are terrible, you will know the good ones within minutes, so be positive talk about the, you and have a laugh. 

Do not rush introducing your child 
A big no, no for me. This is something that you have to be very careful about, A you are still getting to know this new person, you do not know if it is going to work out, give it 6 months to a year. B do you really think it is healthy to have your child meet someone so soon? 

Bloody hell, dating can become quite costly, especially when you have babysitter fees to pay, so don't forget to factor that all in, but luckily I live in a bustling city, here in London there is so much to see and do and restaurants to visit Together with Angelic Diamonds, retailers of bespoke palladium engagement rings, we advise you on making the most of your date no matter where you are in the world.

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London Mumma xx


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