Monday, 9 October 2017

WearAll | Doing Something For You

Guess what, Mumma got out! I hardly go out now, but I just had to and I enjoyed it. I was at work on Friday and a friend messaged and said, gurl lets go grab a cheeky drink, I just saw your mum and I know she has Leanora tonight, I was in two minds, you may remember me asking you over Instagram do I stay in and do the washing or go out?! Stuck  on a decision on what to do, I spoke to a friend, who gave me some inspiring words, that her mother quoted her 'Your cup is half full, and each time you take a sip, for work, for motherhood, for friends and home, you are slowly emptying that cup, in order to prosper for you and be a better you, you have to fill it up, so why not go out for you and fill your cup back up' Feeling truly inspired and empowered, off out I went. 

Being a single parent and my daughters father hardly around, be it though I have a great support network around me, I hardly go out, I feel bad that I am busy working, then blogging, then cooking, parenting and everything else in between, so when I do go out or decide to, I think I should be spending that time with my daughter, but my friends mother was right about refilling your cup, be it if you are a parent or not, once in a while its good to do something for you and that is exactly what I did, something for me, after all I would be no good to anyone, if I am burnt out and not recharged, but don't worry I am lightweight now and I had work the following day and I was safely in bed by the stroke of midnight.

Now the question is what to wear, now still struggling with my Mumma tum, which I am currently working on reducing, I needed something that A, I looked good in, B, more importantly, I felt comfortable in. Who was a saving grace, WearAll, I spotted this fun flirty bardot top, girls moderately upright, a little bit billowy at the bottom, but hey, that is what high-waisted jeans are for right, to hold you in and make you look elongated. 

Safely looking like a normal decent lady and feeling good, a much needed night of cocktails and laughter was in order in London town, and all guilt was left at the door. Just remember that self-care should not be last on the list, it should be at the top of your list. Because we all want to be the best version of ourselves.

What do you do for you, to recharge? I would love to hear in the comments below. 

London Mumma xx

Bardot Top - WearAll
Jeans - WearAll
Trainers - New Look  - Also now in the sale for £11
Bag - Radley


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