Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Exploring East Village, Tale Trail


On Sunday morning Leanora and I jumped out of bed, full of excitement for today's adventures. To where you say on a Sunday morning? Well come on down with me or continue reading should I really say, as we are heading off to East Village, for a Tale Trail to find some mischievous trolls. 

We are big on being an outdoorsy family, nothing better than enjoying the fresh air, scooters and bikes peddling down the beaten path, but today they were left behind and we ventured the tube like true Londoners to Stratford.

The first stop on arrival after a busy morning of travelling a pit stop and a refuel at Fish House restaurant, we all opted for traditional fish and chips and I have to say it was super fresh non-greasy and the best I had since a kid on Brighton Beach.

Leanora enjoyed it.

Nannie Too!

All gobbled up, it was time to head off with outdoor explorer Anja Phoenix to begin our family fun walk based on the fun story Hobgrumble Joe of the Waterglades. 

It is a 1-2 hour walk full of fun tales and adventure for the whole family, armed with our colourful hand drawn map, which Leanora took charge of, off we set in search of  Hobgrumble Joe the troll. 

There is so much to see and spot from little ducks in the beautiful pond to leaping crickets to Joe's bubbly swamp and a whole lot more to keep you all entertained. 

The kids got really stuck in which was a delight to see. Leanora's creativity and imagination was working in overdrive. Having a little toddler who can be easily distracted loved this Tale Trail adventure and was mesmerised and totally engaged from beginning to end, she loved spotting the butterflies and was determined to find that pesky Joe, but unfortunately, he did not make an appearance as we kept on missing him, lucky for him!

It felt great being outdoors and doing something new with Leanora and making lovely new friends who were on the hunt with us. To put technology down and not have L on the IPad was great. Yes she has an Ipad at 3, it is my secret modern-day babysitter for when I need to get things done but I can honestly say that when we got home after the trail and heading to Signorelli's Bakery for some tasty treats she did not even ask for it, but wanted to go through the whole Tale TRail again and talk about her new friends. 

I have to say if you are looking for something new to do with the kids, this summer holidays then this free family Tale Trail adventure is the one for you. plus if you head down on a Sunday you can enjoy the East Village market and entertainment on offer. To get involved just simply head to Signorelli's Bakery to pick up your free map for a day of exploring. If you see that slippery Hobgrumble Joe, tell him I said we will catch him next time.

A massive thank you to East Village & Anja for having us and sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own, especially about Hobgrumble Joe.

London Mumma xx



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