Friday, 30 December 2016

Top 5 Posts of 2016

What a year it had been, I can not believe how far I've come how much I've grown and learnt as a mother and a blogger and all the adventures that Leanora and I have been on.

As I sit here in the packed tube I'm reflecting and flicking through at each station arrival (wifi enabled!) that I'm going through all my blog posts and thought I'd share here my Top 5 Blog Posts of 2016.

I had to put this first, as it was my first ever blog post. Becoming a blogger was never something I sought out to do, but it was a necessity to keep me sane, for when I had left my job and taken Leanora out of the nursery. I love this post so much being my first and seeing myself and this blog grow and I will be taking all that I've learnt into 2017.

When contacted by Lauren from Farfetch, if honey I thought it was a joke, I thought yeah right you want me to come and work with you guys, me really, I've only started out in blogging, no way did I think I was good enough, especially when we all meet at the pick up destination in Victoria, I was surrounded by so many of these brilliant and inspiring blogging women who were all so friendly and we all got it off instantly I still thought I was being punked, this for me was my first major break out within the brand/blogger world I still get goose pimples to this very day and am extremely honoured to be a part of their #TheOne campaign

It took me ages to figure out these bloody things and I was determined to get the perfect recipe just right! Being a working parent who works for themselves and Leanora at nursery sometimes I can forget to eat and I race Leanora to nursery in time for breakfast there. But by 12pm I've been snacking and most of the time choosing unhealthy items and would slump from around 3-4pm. I now know the importance of breakfast and a healthy one at that to keep you fulled up throughout the day, or at least until elevenses, so these not in this weather now mind, unless you're at home in bed these breakfast pops are super easy to make and healthy too.

This has to be one my funniest posts, I've written to date and yes I do laugh at my own jokes, just to give me a little boost and I don't feel like a total turd on my jack jones! Since becoming a parent, you totally have no more shame, I mean when you've pushed out your little human, legs akimbo in front of the doctor/nurse (2 in my case) you then tend to hold nothing back that's why I didn't mind sharing my Embarrassing stories with you, plus we all love a giggle at someone else's shame and embarrassing escapades, go on admit it!

I actually look forward to these posts, be Leanora the little minx hates her picture being taken, I feel that these Motherhood Monday posts bring us closer together and allows me to be a big weirdo and do the Mumma and daughter twinning thing, after all, twinning is totally winning. We have loads more MHM posts and I am so looking forward to sharing these, outfit, educational, parenting learning for child and parent to share with you guys.

I hope you like my pics, what are yours? What type of posts would you like to see more of from us? Leanora and I, Milo to can not wait to share loads more content with you in 2017!

London Mumma xx

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