Friday, 10 February 2017

Valentine's Day Gifts

With Valentine's Day under a week away and for those who are still yet to get that special lady a present  I thought I'd share a few great gift ideas.

I know it can be hard for some, coming up with gift ideas, what do you get the one you love, is it good enough, is it expensive enough! Let me assure you know matter what you get make it be something from the heart, I mean I'm alright with a packet of Haribo and a steaming hot latte, maybe a back rub but I'm not fussy.

As long as you get some quality time in, I'm sure it will be fine. But a little treat can do no harm, you may even score some brownie points.

For those who are without a partner, why not treat your self to a wonderful gift, after you all you certainly do need anyone to spoil you, you can do that yourself you've worked hard enough for it.

So matter what this valentines be it witty someone or without i've got a few darling bits to spoil yourself with.

What do you have planned this Valentines? 

Will you be going away, spending the night at home watching a flick and eating your favourite meal, or will you be out with friends or family, spending quality time together? 

Whatever your plans, I wish you all a fabulous Valentine's Day. 

London Mumma xx

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