Tuesday, 3 January 2017

The New, New - London Mumma

I've been thinking about this for a while, I actually thought about it the very first day I decided to do a blog, heck I was thinking about it the day it went live!

When I decided to create this blog, being forced to quit my job, take Leanora out of nursery all because I was being penalised for being a single working parent who wanted to work more hours (go full time), but in doing so I was not entitled to any help, so they ceased it with immediate effect and was left jobless and Leanora out of nursery for 2 1/2 months! I was climbing the walls, even though I had a bit saved up which helped see us through, so classes and groups were booked in abundance I never felt so low, so horrid all because I was out of work. I've always worked since I was 13 at my dad's garage so it was totally alien to me, we'll sort of as I did have 9 months off from maternity leave, but even that was a struggle and after 6 months I helped out on the odd Saturday!

But every cloud has a silver lining, as this is where the creation of London Mumma came about.

Last year (2016) for me, Leanora and my blog have been an amazing ride, all the support and love that we have been given, I wanted to give something back and really push myself, push this brand that I've unknowingly created. Hence why London Mumma is going to have a big revamp I've got a new logo a new interface, I'm going to have categories, not just for me, but kids too and recipes and dare I say it, beauty eek! I'm excited just thinking about it and writing this HERE on the Northern Line on my way to work at an event the last Friday before Christmas. I find I do my best writing here, even better than at home or working from a cafe! I guess it's in the movement and being surrounded by so many people that I can smell what thy had for dinner last night, I guess it gives me comfort!

But anywho! I do really hope you all like the new blog, let me know what you think and thank you for sticking with me, old and new readers and brands too, through all of Leanora and I's crazy antics, oh and Milos too!

Here is to more crazy antics, to being caught in the middle of the night using Leanora's potty, leaky boobs, Milo being put in nappies, him sitting on Leanora's head and headlocks galore and a tonne more embarrassing stories, fashion, health and beauty and some travel! No more wanderlusting for this Mumma.

Make your dreams come true this 2017 I wish you all the best and love. 

Dont forget you can keep up with me throughout 2017 over on Instagram, Bloglovin, Twtter & Facebook too, I would love to see you all there! 

London Mumma xx

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