Friday, 1 October 2021

5 Family Favourite Rainy Day Activities

We. Love. A. Rainy. Day. Nothing quite says Autumn is hear than with a little rain and a chill in the air. To be honest we are always out every weekend hands down guaranteed, always doing fun things in and around London, but this weekend I thought we stick a little closer to home and enjoy the leaves and rain falling from inside our home. 


You know, I've never played this game up until recently and I do not know why, Leanora and I love it, it makes for a great family rain day game, granted I always lose, but it also helps with Leanora's maths, so winning all round....well me losing


With the kids settled back into school I plan on getting our aprons on and making the traditional school cake, I did have this on the blog, but knowing me I've accidentally deleted it, but you can find the recipe up on my Instagram here. But fret not i will certainly be putting it back up on here next week. I think there is something so satisfying about baking and baking with kids is fun, well until they make a mess, but eating our end result together is a sweet treat in itself. 

Addams Family

My favourite 90's family movie, recently adapted in to an animated film, the second installment comes out next Friday, I've already pre-ordered our cinema tickets and very excited about going, so this weekend why not give yourself a little refresher and watch the movie version it is a great spooktacular way to start off the spooky halloween month, plus you can snack on our ghost pretzels whilst watching.

Sea Life

Always eager to learn and explore, why not head over to the beautiful wonders of Sea World, we always go tot he one in Chessington, but there are so many more dotted in and around London, it makes for a great day of spotting Dory and also keeps you sheltered from the rain all at the same time about learning about some magical undersea creatures. 

Go puddle jumping 

Ok, whilst I hate getting wet, the kids don't so I say hell with it and fully embrace these wetter months, get your wellies and raincoats on and head on out of the house, for some little exercise and a splash of puddle jumping with the kids then warm up with a coffe or hot chocolate and your favourite pastry.

What are your favourite rainy day activities? Let us know in the comments below. 

Don’t forget you can also follow me over on Instagram or by using the #LondonMumma tag to show me what you get up to  on this rainy weekend or keep up to date on what’s new on the blog via Bloglovin and you can follow me on Pinterest for some more summer fun.



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