Yay! We made it, today is the official first day back to school for the kiddos and I have to say this summer literally flew by, but I am not complaining, especially as now normality has started to settle in, plus with the weather being lush this week, I guess we are on the up.
This time of year for many parents can be a little manic, I’ve still loads of cute back to school essentials to get for Leonora from funky stationary from Rymans to thermals from Marks & Spencers for when the winter months arrive ,so to help all you lovely rents out I found loads of adorable bits to help see your kids through.
Hands down any money, by the end of the week all Leanora’s lovely white polo shirts will be grey, with a splash of tomato sauce and various pen stains in them for extra good measure, or her brand new trackies will have holes in it, bet ya any money hands down this will happen, I mean kids right! So I’ve got a few good back-ups from various sites, who do a quick delivery if needed and linked them all below for you to peruse through.
Footwear is an obvious essential, to fresh shiny black school shoes, cute Mary Janes, trainers for PE, wellies, warm boots the list goes on, and below are a few must haves.
With the kids eager to get back out and get back in to school, have fun in the playground and see their friends again a coat is an essential item to get them to and from school, they don't have to be boring they can be uber cool and I've found some perfect ones for them to rule school in.
Goes with out saying really, the major must have is the back pack and I have to say I've seem brilliant ones out there, especially this morning on the school drop and I've got my bigger hitters linked below.
I hope this list all helps with your little ones back to school essential needs as I thought it be fun to share, after all sharing is caring.
Happy back to school kiddos and well done rents to getting them in.
Let me know what you think of the list and how has the first day gone for you guys?
Don’t forget you can also follow me over on Instagram or by using the #LondonMumma tag to show me what you get up to or keep up to date on what’s new on the blog via Bloglovin!
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