Monday, 2 July 2018

July Summer Reads

I'm back and kicking off July with summer great summer reads. I can not believe we are more than halfway through the year it's completely flown by and I am glad to say this year has been the big read and the last few weeks I've been perusing every bookshop, new and old for July summer reads.

The Lido, this summers uplifting read based in my hometown of South West London. Meet Rosemary and Kate an unlikely pair that friendship blossoms and community spirit grow to support and save the local Lido from a property developers clutches to knock it down and build posh apartment building over it. 

You. A brilliant and terrifyingly good read, one that I was compelled to keep grasped firmly in my hands and read in a matter of days. This is a must read especially for those social media buffs, which sees Joe totally abusing social media to stalk and set up a series of events so the Beck falls into his arms! I totally recommend snapping up You before it comes to Netflix.

An authentic family read I do try to stay clear of these family dramas, I always get a little too ceremonial, I blame the fact the since becoming a parent a whole new emotion embodies me, but I was hooked by the first page! Whistle In The Dark is about a 15-year-old girl who goes missing for a few days, returns back intact but does not want to share where or who she has been with. The family then move to London where they see Jen's character start to change. 

What books have you picked up recently? Let me know in the comments below what you will be reading this summer. 

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