Monday, 4 December 2017

How To Beat The Winter Blues

I am going to sound like a complete douche, but I do love Winter, not just because it is my birthday, Milo's too, his first! but the smell in the air, something about it cheers me up like and old familiar friend, plus nothing better than snuggling up and keeping warm with a hot cup coffee and a good book, with Milo purring at my feet and keeping them warm.

I know what you are thinking, how can you love these cold dark days and nights, its cold outside and raining too what is to love, not to mention, I leave for work in the dark and arrive back in the dark! But honey, trust me there is so much to be grateful and love about the Winter season, so let's drop the Winter blues attitude seeing as you decided to stick around and let me tell how to beat the winter blues with me. 

Cosy nights in Who does not love a cosy night, in with new pyjamas, I mean where would rather be,
in the comfort of your own home watching a movie, reading a book or out on the town in this cold weather! My money is on home, plus you are out busy Monday-Friday, enjoy the weekends surround by your own comforts. 

I'm a celeb get me out of here We all have that one show that we love and cannot wait each year to return and when the winter weather kicks in, I'm a celeb arrives, I mean what is not to love about people gorging on blended offal and reptiles to rodents crawling all over them and watch them cry out in fear. 

Bonfire night I love bonfire night, not just because it's a few days away from my birthday, but the smell, that winter woody smell that familiar winter smell kicks in and I know that there is nowhere I rather be than with family and friends throughout this festive period. 

Winter Wonderland Each year we flock in droves to Hyde Park for some festive fun, to playing arcade games, to roller-coaster rides and chomping down bratwurst surrounded by carnival lights into the night. 

Pyjamas What do you wear on cosy nights at home, pyjamas, new ones at that! Need I say anymore. 

Family come together Nowhere I rather be and spend time with more than being surrounded by my family and close friends, no need to go out, you go to them or they come to you, to eat you out of house and home lol!

Monopoly Ok, so this is a dangerous one, but one I love, comes out on Christmas and every Christmas is get more and more dangerous, I remember when I was pregnant, one of my brothers was stealing 'whats new' the other brother was on a back end deal with my sister who was banker, dad was drunk, I was pregnant and no one was paying me any attention and listening to my demands of the mockery of thievery, so there I go, stormed out the house in thick 6 inch snow, refusing to come back in the house until I get my fair share and everyone stop thieving! What did I get, I got bribed by a turkey sandwich which I happily accepted. Bring on this year's monopoly match.

Boots Nothing better than brand new boots to biker boots, to knew high and over the knee boots, with so many new styles out, you simply can not resist. 

Winter skincare With a new season come new skincare routines and with a little help from MINTD they will certainly be able to help keep your skin moisturised throughout the winter months. 

Jumpers you want to be comfortable, but you do not want to be casual, but stylish, so why not update your wardrobe with some new jumpers.

Mac n cheese What better way to beat the winter blues with some mac n cheese, not just any mac n cheese, butternut squash mac n cheese! Sweet baby cheesus! Trust me you are going to love it.


London Mumma xx


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