Wednesday, 20 April 2016

My Little Red Riding Hood & the terrible two's

I have been meaning for a while to do a little post featuring my little Cha-Chi and combine a little outfit post and discuss the terrible twos at the same time.

Today we went to Clapham Common, for her to blow off some much needed steam! 

She is two in a few weeks and those rascal terrible twos have fully kicked in and I mean in a big way. 

Being a parent has it ups and downs, a lot more ups than downs. But if I am honest I was not prepared for this stage of my daughters life. I thought ahh bless she is too cute to give this Mumma any grief errr NO! I was SO wrong on that front I'm afraid.

I am a single parent which is totally fine, but this is a struggle even for me. She cries (I want to, but I've never really been a cryer, not that I have a heart of stone, its just not me) and kicks off for no apparent reason, or if their is one, its getting in the buggy, but I guess this is just her not being able to communicate and verbally order me to get her whatever she wants.

How do I overcome the screams, the flaying legs, well I too become a terrible two child and we have a shouting match for a couple of mins, to which I try to remind myself that I am the adult here (Yeah right!). I go off in to the next room or sit down calmly on the sofa and just close my eyes for a minute or two and breathe! When I open I am calmer, then I see her face smiling that cheeky smile and I am so overwhelmed that this beautiful monster is my baby and I am truly blessed to have her and we both just laugh and cuddle and carry on our day, watching Toddles (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse FYI) Peppa Pig, colouring, reading, baking or just singing and dancing, more so the latter.

This terrible two's label is awful, my daughter is far from terrible and other children/toddlers are not terrible, they just can not communicate as well as we can! Which ever old croonie came up with that saying should direct it to themselves and shove it in any orifice, especially one where the sun does not shine!

My point in this, is that it is just a faze and it will pass. It may be hard for us as parents, but it is hard for our little ones too. It is good to vent and have an outlet, hence why I take Leanora to the park to help release any frustration that she may have, plus by the time she is all played out, she is too tired to argue, well only when we are leaving the park and she has a little rant but I can always persuade her with cuddles.

Leanora and I are now in bed, she is lying across me like a boss watching Toddles and I'm looking forward to closing this laptop and having cuddles.

Oh crap, bloody hell! I've only got freaking tears in my eyes hahaha! I think thats my cue to go.

Duffle Coat (similar) Boots (similar) Tights

London Mumma. xx


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