Monday, 21 May 2018

Things Your Midwife Doesn't Tell You

Listen up mummas, I got a few little secrets that your midwife can fail to share with you.....

Recently at work, I've had two lovely women come and help out my department, we've been inundated with work and I always love a little extra help. These two women are pregnant and both gearing up for maternity leave, being the only one in my office to be a parent, I knew that I would be inundated with baby questions and chat. Being an old pro at this parenting malarkey, now that Leanora turned 4 last week I kinda got this parenting thing down....... well one hopes anyway.

First thing is first I loved being pregnant, even though I was probably a pain in the arse to most, I thrived, until I hit a few bubbly roads, that my midwife or antenatal teacher neglected to let me know. For those that are planning a pregnancy or those that are currently pregnant, I've knocked up a list of things your midwife doesn't tell you. 

Hair loss
Pregnancy glow is a real thing, if it may lack in your skin, your hair certainly benefits from pregnancy, your hair grows, strengths and has a nice sheen to it and I loved it, my hair never grew so much in such a short space of time and that is due to the hormone boost in your body. What anyone failed to tell me, 18 months after pregnancy that your hair falls out. Hair loss is a big thing for those that have had a baby, it does not necessarily occur just after you stop breastfeeding, it can start in the postpartum period also. But to help restore and keep your car healthy taking vitamins is vital and a good massage to the scalp when washing will help stimulate your hair follicles to promote growth, but for those that have suffered severe hair loss, I know of some mothers that have sort hair transplant in London.

Sight loss
I have worn glasses for as long as I can remember, my prescription has probably changed 3 times in my life, that's not bad for someone who has been wearing glasses and contacts 25+ years. But whilst pregnant and on route to work, I was gearing up to cross the road, busy screaming teens either side of me on route to work madden wth McDonald's, I started getting a really bad headache I thought nothing of it maybe the smell of egg mcmuffins causing me to be queasy, but later on crossing same said road (on route to McD's for my craving of chips and milkshake, the two dipped together makes sweet harmony) I found that I was actually struggling to see and straining to see what was ahead of me, thus leading me to have regular headaches. Fed up glasses and contacts not working, plus the fact I had nearly been knocked over twice, I headed straight to the opticians who informed that this was quite normal in pregnancy and to not worry about it, it will go back to normal after pregnancy and can you believe not to get a new prescriptive eyewear!!! Obviously, I ignored this poor response and slightly annoyed that midwife failed to tell me that this could happen, but for me, safety for me and my unborn daughter comes first and changed my lenses twice throughout pregnancy. So if you feel you are having headaches and straining your eyes, I completely recommend seeing your optician.

Snoring & nose bleeds
Unfortunately with most pregnant snoring can be a big factor and one that I did not even know was a thing, when I snored so loud I woke my damn self up and had my mother and her friend laughing at me as they never heard anything like it before. The good thing is that if like myself you were never a snorer before pregnancy, you will most likely to stop after you had your baby. The reason why we snore is due to high levels of hormones oestrogen and progesterone cause the blood vessels in your nose to open wider (hence my extra largeness throughout pregnancy) causing congestion,  this also can lead to you having nose bleeds which explain the few I had.  

I hope these tips and advice are helpful before, after and during pregnancy and would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 

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London Mumma 

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