Monday, 16 May 2016

Exploring Dubrovnik - The Old Town Part 1

We arrived finally our first holiday and hopefully not our last of the year. 

Suitcases unpacked, summer dresses on, car booked and off we set off to the land of The Game of Thrones, Dubrovnik's Old Town.

We entered through the Ploce Gate, which is overlooked by Dubrovnik's Patron St. Saint Blaise. Saint Blaise started his life as a very successful physician, he later retired for a period, during his retirement is where he sought spiritual guidance and became Bishop of Sebastea. He was loved by all, but his end came when the Governor of Cappadocia, who was ordered by Emperor Licinius to kill the Christians of Sebastea and arrest the bishop. The Governor tried to force Saint Blaise to renounce his faith, in not doing so Saint Blaise was beaten to death, by stick, irons combs to tear at his flesh then finally beheaded. 

Now you have had a little history of the Patron Saint lets move on to more niceties.

Leanora asleep, I went on the hunt for some food and stumbled upon Poklisar, It is located right on the busy marina, band playing and alfresco dining and thought this is the perfect spot for my first lunch. 

Location and ambience were brilliant, I was seated close to the band too close for a sleeping babe, but luckily Leanora was too tired from our early start. 

Once seated within a few minutes I was brought over Dubrovnik's traditional dish of tuna pate, served with a local bread, it was quite delightful and very much enjoyed. 

No need to order a starter, as the tuna pate was more than enough, and I wanted to eat something light and fresh so I ordered the parma ham and mozzarella salad.

I have to say I was extremally disappointed with my dish, it was swimming in oil, plus it took 10 minutes just to order and it took four attempts for me to flag down a waiter just so that I could order, so not really a great start to my holiday. 

After waiting an extra 20 minutes from requesting the bill and paying I left, totally upset and decided to walk off all the oil. 

Luckily The Old Town had so much beauty to offer, I was not left upset for too long. 

But I can fill you in more of our sightseeing tour tomorrow, so many pictures that I can not wait to show you.

Dress - ASOS

London Mumma xx


  1. Everything looks so great. Game of Thrones was literally what I thought when I saw the first few images!

    1. Thank you so much Bola. It is a truly beautiful place, you must go and see it one day x

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