Now before I had Leanora, I was party animal, I was always on holiday, shopping, dining out with friends, I had not a care in the world, life was good, but I mean my life is a lot better now that I am a parent (a small chuckle let out), but
what I didn't realise was that now that I am a parent, I need to be insured up to the ying yang!
A great weekend had in the end, but it certainly was a costly one!
All before 9am, destruction came in the form of my cherub faced little Cha-Chi.
Getting ready to leave out the house and head to the LFW shows, my phone was being charged up for the millionth time, but I had noticed that it had become awfully quiet, whilst trying to do my hair, packing my day bag ready to hit the shows, (you can find out all about what is kept in my bag on my Mumma's Handbag Essential post ) I turned around to see my little sprog, tucked away in the corner of the bedroom playing with my phone.
As I approached all I could do was pray, that this couldn't be how it all ended, but alas, it was to be, my glorious iPhone 5 (originally a 6, but relegated to the 5) in tatters, screen all jacked up and all I could do is fall to my knees and gasp! My life, my memories, my Instagram (@lindseylondonmumma ) all gone!
Leanora consoled me and told me that it was all DeeDee's fault (her baby Annabelle) and that it will be A-OK! Like hell it would be (DeeDee will pay for this) I had no insurance, I mean when I first upgraded to the 6 I did, but somehow it had come off my bill (Bloody EE) so after that got destroyed in Pizza Express after Leanora launched it the to the other side of the room, due to Iggle Piggle not being played properly on YouTube I was relegated to my just about operational IPhone 5.
I had no choice, I needed a new phone what the hell was I going to do with my lifeline, so off to EE we headed.
Buying a temporary Pay As You Go was an option, but for a good phone, a minimum of a £100.00 I was going to have to fork out. To make matters worse my upgrade is due in like 50 days, that £100.00 plus pounds I am going to have to shell out is ridiculous I was praying that my phone would be toddler proof until then, but no it wasn't.
After speaking to one of the phone tech advisors, after waiting like a million minutes, I found out that it would cost me just under £200 to upgrade early, he gave me a great deal (as so he says, obviously he gets commish!) on a brand new iPhone7.
As I also have home broadband with them, I did not have to pay the cost of obtaining the phone priced at £49.99, so I was relived that he was able to waiver it, but (there is always a but) in order to get this deal I had to take up full cover insurance, for the first 2 months it is going to cost me £12.00 after that it will go to £4.00, he also informed me that if travelling within the EU I can make calls and texts free of charge, which is great, but we are leaving the EU which I had to remind him! Luckily and for his sake, he told me that this will not matter as it still applies, only until my next upgrade 2018. Plus for the next 6 months, I get all music from Itunes for free after this time period I will be charged for any music purchased, which is great but I don't really listen to music that much, but great for Leanora so that I can buy all the Disney and Cbeebies songs she can handle, which will no doubt make me want to head butt iggle piggle.
Not happy about it, I reluctantly handed over my card. Slightly deflated as my hopes of a brand new Autumn coat purchase this weekend, had gone down the drain, but its a reminder that anytime you have a phone, no matter the cost or model, make sure you are covered, so be it you or your sprog destroying the only thing to connecting you to the outside world, you are fully covered, be it from your network provider or even your bank, I can not stress the importance of this.
It has cost me dearly, but I am now fully covered. At the time whilst pregnant and even once having Leanora, I just didn't realise how costly it can be. I mean obviously you have got to make expensive purchases such as buggy's, moses baskets, beds clothing etc but it is so easy to forget about the smaller things, such as making sure you have insurance, even the right insurance, these things do add up.
So my word of advice is to take the time to look at the little things, as these are the ones that will leave you out of pocket and with no new Autumn coat, thanks to my little hooligan.
From a London Mumma with full insurance cover to the ying yang. xx
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