Monday, 11 July 2016

Florals on the weekend

I had to work this weekend, unfortunately, and miss out on all the festivals such as Wireless and Garage Nation, but there is always next year. 

Just because I couldn't get to party with the best of them , does not mean a girl can not have a blooming marvellous time, see what I did there!

I was never big on florals, but since becoming a mum, my wardrobe has somewhat softened, plus its July and the sun is out, so why not take a chance and add some florals to your wardrobe, it's good to step our of your comfort zone once in a while and try something new. 

You will probably remember this skirt from Lunch at the Ivy post, but since then I've not worn it which I think was a major faux pas on my end. Do you do that, buy something wear it once and then forget about it? Stupid question were women and we love fashion. 

I styled it with my cold shoulder Missguided top and sandals, plus my fav new rose gold sunnglasses from Noughts and Kisses.

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London Mumma xx

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