Tuesday, 28 May 2019

10 Steps For A Healthy Work & Dating Life

We know it’s hard to find a balance with work and dating life, especially when you reach a certain age! Now, in my 30’s and my 40’s fast approaching my outlook on my career and dating life are far more different than that of my 20’s.

My 20’s were fun, I spent it running wild and free with one guy, until it no longer worked out, to heartbroken and angry to give others a try, I was content, to be free and single and that suited me just fine, fast forward a few years later I decide to focus on my career, my daughter and Milo I was not interested in settling down but building a good foundation around us, plus I love my independence.

Recently I woke up in the middle of the night crying, me crying can you bloody believe it, not bawling, but a little tears! I’m far for the emotional type, but I thought of a guy who I loved, I mean truly loved, like the moment I saw him lost for words love, but that too due to cultural differences it was not destined to happen. it got me thinking and speaking to my bestie for a bit of support, he turned and said to me Lind’s, you’ve got beautiful daughter, career on the up, you give your time to everything but you and in fairness he was not wrong, but can it be done, I mean, be a single parent who works full time, who spends her weekends ferrying her kid from activity to party, to laundry and homework and everything in between can I dare wonder if I could actually have a home, work life and dare I say it dating balance?

Read on to find out how I and you can find that perfect equilibrium between work and dating.

Make the time
We all have busy life’s, and busy days but who says that you don’t have the time! Forget making excuses and shoulda, coulda, woulda’s, make the time for you and what you want to do.

Stay present
Yes we are ambitious and it’s super easy to get swept up in your own thoughts of what should, could of been done, but be it at work or on a date stay present in the here and now.

Evaluate priorities
We all have them, but the first should be you, I’m not saying to neglect anyone or anything but put things into perspective and priories what is important right now for you and what and who is around you, how else, will you be able to achieve those goals.

Set boundaries
There is a time and a place for everything and everyone. Nothing wrong with keeping work and personal life separate, no one has to combine the two or even share the two, remember it’s your playing field.

Have fun
So easy to forget to do, I’m all serious in my 30’s, but serious is not fun, well not all the time, so live a little and step out of our comfort zone and simply enjoy it! A great way to have fun for those older or  over 50s dating sites, can be a lot of fun, check out older-dating.com.

Don’t negotiate
Rule number one, your a boss, a girl boss, I know what I want and I work hard for it, so no more negotiating on my time and spending it with someone that simply is not worth it!

Ditch the rules
We’ve all heard the rules, but are there really any dating rules that work? I think not! I’m old and mature enough now to know what I want and what works for me! Instead of over thinking it connect with the person meaningfully you will get a better result.

Have a set time
It’s easy to get carried away at work, you want to leave with a clear inbox and before you know it it’s midnight! A great way to have a set time and stick to it, is by making a to-do list, prioritise what’s important, what you need to get done and work your hardest to stick to it.

You need your own life
Yes we’re are ambitious, career and family minded, but in order to enjoy those things and have a healthy balance of everything, it’s super important to have your own life, meet up with friends, giggle, gossip, shop and simply catch up, to going out and meeting up with that someone and even doing something just for, be it a hot bath to going to the gym and getting in on a class. You have to remember to have your own life you only get one after all so make the most of it.

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance, let me know in the comments below!


Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post!


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