Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Gift Of Giving With Flowers Of Colombia

T'is the season of gift giving, it can be tricky to get someone something special, especially if you have kids and do not know what to get for there teacher this Christmas, but if you are stuck for ideas I defiantly recommend a lovely bunch of flowers from Flowers of Colombia, you can never go wrong with beautiful blooms.  

I am all about giving and putting money back in to society so that it thrives and by supporting and buying a beautiful bunch of blooms which last up to 4 weeks you do just that, by not only putting a smile on to your kids teachers faces, you are doing something for a community so that they are able to work and thrive.

Flowers of Columbia sourced from a beautiful fertile savannah above Colombia's capital city of Bogota, lies a vast 7,335 hectares and for every hectare, it provides 14 jobs and 65% of those jobs are given to women, to help them get out of poverty and provide for their family as well as bringing them into a community filled with social programs which is run by ASOCOLFLORES the trade association that represents all Colombian flower producers.

ASOCOLFLORES are big advocates of sustainable flowers to strengthen Colombia floriculture and generate well-being and inspiring experiences for all and has been doing so since 1973, now celebrating its 45th anniversary it is doing amazing work and has been able to generate 130,000 jobs, which enables them to export 228,00 tons and more than 10 million of beautiful boxed blooms each year. In addition to the great work that they do, Flowers of Columbia have also been able to decrease their energy consumption by 61% in 5 years. 

I was never one to think about the environment before, but with so much awareness of the impact that it can cause I am racing in to support it, by brightening up the teachers as well as my home. 

To see more from Flowers of Columbia and how it inspires our heart through music, check this #FlowerTributeTour video.

London Mumma


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