Saturday, 15 August 2020

Routine Comforts | Top Tips On How You Can give Your Family A Better Night

As parents, we have so much going on and can at times find it hard to switch off, unwind and relax and like most kids, they too can pick up on this, which can lead to them having worries and becoming restless and finding it hard to relax and get a good sleep.

As we are now coming out of Lockdown and today is National Relaxation Day myself and TEMPUR® wanted to share some top tips on how you and your family can get a better nights sleep.

Routine is key, during the pandemic our routine changed, no more school run, but homeschooling! No dashing to work and fighting my way on the tube or work at all, instead doing work around the house and getting stuck in doing all the things you had always planned to do when you a few free moments.   

During this time is when I, we, needed a routine a good one and one that worked for us, to keep our minds stimulated, our body and soul healthy and happy. At first I had no idea where to start, what to do and by day 2 you could tell Leanora and I who are two very active people had become a little lethargic, from getting out of bed to watching the tv, feet up on the sofa, simply just not moving at all and we hated it!

By the end of day two, I had a plan, get a routine going, a routine that gave us what we needed, exercise, education, healthy food, arts & crafts, family time and most importantly a good night’s sleep.

Preparing for a good nights sleep, starts from the moment you wake up, what you do during the day can set you up for a how you feel and sleep. The moment Leanora woke up at the beginning, I have to admit I was guilty of it, she was straight on the Ipad and I found that whilst I had a ton of work to do in and around the house, it would keep her entertained! Wrong anything but, especially when it came to bed time.

During these tough times, Leanora turned 6 and one of her pressies was a bike, it was a lot bigger then she was didn’t realize it at the time, but within a week my baby was a pro. This enabled us to get out early and she go for a morning bike ride, whilst I ran along side her. I found that incorporating workout’s in to our morning routine really set us up and got the good endorphienes raring for us to go and have a productive day. So long IPad!

Healthy, good food is key, whilst don’t get me wrong we love a Maccy D’s and a  good takeaway, one of our favourite enjoyments were not longer offered to us, so we got in the kitchen together, which thinking now the amount of flour that ended up on the wall and food everywhere not sure if was the best idea I had at the time, but what I do know it brought out the little chef in Leanora which enriched and broaden her foodie horizons, now I can safely say, no more take out’s for us, we can make our own chicken nuggets and favourite curry in a hurry.

Education! Homeschooling I am not going to lie, I was petrified of homeschooling L, I am not a teacher, far from academic but it’s what our children need, that’s what we strive for, a good education. I found that L’s school provided us with so much resources and online work which was brilliant and guidance too on the work and how you should approach it with your child, that it was fool proof. When that was done we went on websites, purchased books and educational equipment from Amazon and we got stuck in! A few hours in the morning and afternoon, not only was it great for Leanora’s mentality but for us to be able to sit there and learn together, plus it was a great opportunity as a parent to find out what Leanora has learnt at school.

Bed time, our favourite time, teeth brushed, jammies on and a good ol stretch for a few minutes before we dive in bed, armed with a few of our favourite books we would read together. I find this a calm soothing moment for L and I, just to unwind in a healthy happy way, always sets us up for a good nights sleep. Another important part of getting a good night sleep is having the best of the best mattress and that being from TEMPUR® it is good enough for the whizz kids over at NASA it is good enough for L and I too. With an array of different mattresses plus a mattress size guide to help you choose the right one for, along with pillows or accessories what ever you choose it will help you blast off into the land of nod.

What is the bedtime routine, that works for you and your family? Let me know in the comments below!                
This post is in conjunction with TEMPUR®, but all thoughts are my own


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